Sunday, August 30, 2009 Y 12:08 AM

Me and Jacquelyn playing taptap on Hanling's iphone. I still suck at it lah, super sad T-T

She so unwilling to take photos with me lor! D:

HAHAHAHAHAHA. This picture above is my msn display pic. Makes me wanna laugh everytime i see it! Laine's mum said she looked like a small-eyed doll in the picture =='

She cannot hide her face behind the water lah!

She looks like she's gonna punch me anytime.

Finally forced a smile.

My eyes are distorted.

Don't hide behind the cup lah!

Told yuvin that we veh long never take picture alr.
Then took 3 pictures together to take up some memory space.

LOL played UNO with pearlyn on msn. My first time playing this stupid game and I suck bigbigtime! See my score walao. I want cry le.
Then the two anonymous people like in cahoots lor! They like, helping each other everytime add cards to us then reverse reverse.
Then me and pearlyn also gang up against them. keep discussing what color to choose, whether we got reverse or not LOL.
what kinda game is this manz =='
The games that she know how to play I don't know then those that i know how to play she don't know. So ended up playing uno lor. Standard one.

stupid blogger don't allow me to post pictures. So i have to upload the pictures one by one on photobucket to show you all lah. See I take so much painstaking effort to make my blog a little more colorful. Andand you must appreciate the photos i took with laine because she told me she don't take pictures with anyone except me. awwww so 'touched'.
Her face is GOLD. LOL
okay now photobucket got prob cannot resize my pictures properly. upload next time (:
i think photobucket and blogger are in cahoots. T-T
okay let me continue.
Yesterday went badminton with laine :D
Sorry to make you wait so long!! But i think i paid back by sending you home :P
Played badminton for 3hours zomgzomgzomg am i sporty or what? Then laine say i very scary uh. actually i'm just persevering! Then i told her you should be more scared of me cause my stamina is increasing muhahahaha.
Play until my right index finger skin tear. sob. pain lor.
The badminton racket that we held, the blackblack thing on the handle rub our hands until all black. then the germs get into my wound. Then have to wear some kind of sock thingy over my fingers because i wanted to continue playing.
I don't think i sweat as much as jogging for 30min or what but i think it should be alternate lah, like one week jog one week badminton like that not so sian... :/ Thenthen the worst thing is i forgot to bring the blardy waterbottle! How can anyone not bring waterbottle when sporting? ME!! aiya i'm just plain stupid lah. I had to bear with my thirst for 2 hours until i gave up then went to the minimart to buy 100% fruit juice! muhahaha
I am a health freak BUT i don't look like one =='
When we went into the place we found out that the door is locked. Then wanted to get the key but don't know where get. It's been 3 years since I havent stepped into chuan park okay!
The last time i played in the court was primary 6, played with 3 friends. Miss the times.. (i guess) :O
Talked and played at the same time. I think we talk more than we play lah. hahaha. Very funny lah. I told her if you keep playing with your right hand, your right arm will have more muscles than your left. Then she switched hand LOL. wth and her left hand more power than right hand lor!! wthwthwthwth.
I thought i could at least beat her if she uses her left hand :(
Played until the security guard come down and ask us to finish up because they're closing. D:
At that time it was 10pm!! LOLOL.
played from 7-10pm whoah. without eating somemore! I'm so proud of myself manz.
Sat at the darkdark cafe only to find out that they were CLOSED! lmao.
Then we super hungry lor T-T
We had to self-service our water somemore because we didn't buy anything then wanted water from them heh :B
After that.. asked mummy to fetch us to chompchomp to eat woohooo!
Luckily i live near a 24hr kopitiam otherwise we would be starved to death :O
Keep thinking of anything healthy in chompchomp - NONE!
everything contains oil, fat and salt yucks. Then laine ate the super oily fishball noodle yucks. I thought it would be those very bland type of noodle then came out it was so oily!! >:(
Lucky i ate the dumpling noodle instead. Although kinda bland as compared to her noodle but at least i'm not as guilty as her! heh :B
Then she was comparing me to someone I don't like wlao. very sad lor T-T
Zhenling let me watch a super sick video.
After that episode I very scared of it already. More scared of Zhenling lah. Sick like hell walao.
Pollute my brain! I need go for memory clearance later le T-T
Her sister also sick one lah! All sickos.
Very scared of both of them >:(
Company zhenling go detention last week blardy hell. Make me so diu lian lor people think i do what thing! All her fault lah! T-T now my name got black mark le.
Then she must treat me eat pizza heh. :B
Then someone was like asking the guy behind us : eh where's mr chong ah?
then he was like : lying inside the coffin!
okay super lame ==' but very funny lah hahahahahha.
Forgot what happened during school o.o
Talking to jacquelyn on msn now. I'm using yellow font then she cannot see LOL.
Jacquelyn:eh. you can see your own yellow words isit?
now then you know
of course lah
actl i dont need see lah
- KRYSTAL SAYS:my typing confirm nothing wrong de hehehehe
Jacquelyn :
i caaaaaaaant seeeeeeeeeeeee
Jacquelyn:i have to highlight it @_@
BHB lah youuuuuuuu
train your eyesight abit
Jacquelyn:CRAZY AH
how to train to see so bright words?
i go change background
change your background to black, then you cant see your own words
Tomorrow got teachers' day performances. Buying fruits for the teachers LOL. Don't know who came up with idea but.. I BOUGHT THE FRUITS ALREADY!
I feel like eating them all up now hehehhehe. :P
If i was the teacher i would be so grateful to my students! Because if i'm hungry then i can just bite an apple :D
Tomorrow would be going back to school (most probably) once in three years! zomg i miss OLGC but always nobody free to company me T-T
Tomorrow might go back with clarissa to watch the primary students' performances woohoo. Since it's a girl's school we usually have things like dancing hip hop and cheer leading during sports day. I miss girls' school lah.
I wanna transfer school now now now now! T-T
Went to World Of Sports on friday wanted to choose a sports shoe for me to jog and badminton.
Spent about 1hr choosing shoes. The shoes that i like are all for walking and not for jogging! Then those jogging shoes suck like crazy! yucks manz.
After choosing this greenish pair of addidas sport shoe, the stupid woman told me that NO size for me! My feet got soooooooooo big anot?!?! it's just another 1/2 size more lah! if my feet was just 1/2 size smaller =='
After i asked her when will the stock arrive, she told me that her shop sells all OUTDATED DESIGNS and no more stock will be coming in wtfwtfwtfwtfwtf.
outdated designs still dare to sell? walao make me waste 1hour there!
If i knew i would have gone to an authentic addidas shop to buy my shoe lor. walaowalao.
Dad and mum quarreling about some investments in london O.O
They went for a talk about the investment thingy and decided to buy a piece of land in london! happy or sad news? I think sad lor. So much risk. 800k leh no joke! T-T
I think we will have to tighten our belts again. tsktsk.
Sunday, August 23, 2009 Y 2:55 AM
Thanks peepo for making my birthday a very memorable one! :D
Love you guys loaaaaads heh :B
Everyday got presents on my table one hahaha.
Special thanks to Yuvin, Michelle, Ziyi, jacquelyn, pearlyn, kaiying, Lai simin, Tan simin anastasia, clarissa, Amanda and those who wished me! :D
During recess i already know what's going on because Michelle suddenly came to escort me to the canteen hahaha.
But anyway thanks lots! <3
The most disappointing thing is that my family forgot my birthday, except for my mum, just that she mixed up the dates. :(
And my dad dare to black face me lah super angry! Just because i keep smsing then he keep kp me say he wanna confiscate my phone or something wtf. Really disappointed okay, even my friends remembered it T.T
I mean it's not some day that's exceptionally special but at least notice my presence lah!
Then the next day they bought cookies and cream ice-cream cake from swensons for me (:
Actually wanted mango but mango have to order three days in advance...
No point also lah! I'm on a strict diet and cannot eat so much cake also =='
During National day, went to Manda's house to watch the NDP show and went crazy lol! The whole point of it wasnt to watch the show lah but just an excuse to go crazy O.O Studied in her house and crapped alot. At 8.20++ did the pledge then we were like, ran out of the house to see if people on the streets are doing it hahahahahahha. Sure enough got a few people at the bus stop doing the pledge then we jeer at them i don't know why ==' I think i was drunk o.o
At around 9pm+ we walked around in the dark finding for Denise's house so that we can burn it down LOL!! In the end we found it but it's like so dark then she forgot bring lighter wtf. So anti-climax. I think we were really drunk lah, lucky didn't burn it down hahahaha. Then went home super sleepy and tired. Flopped on her bed almost fell asleep. Crazy girl want me to cut hair for her ==' SIAO LAH. you see my hairstyle like that still trust me to cut hair meh?!?!
Forced me to cut some hair for her, then in the end not bad lah, because i dont dare cut too much. Her hair also got nothing to cut =='
Wanted to sleepover but mum don't allow i don't know why :( She scared 'something' happen lols.
I think i busted my sms again, by 200++. Dad threatening me to confiscate it again =='Confiscate better lah! then the siao zhar bor cannot contact me or what lah. I can sit down 1 hour on the chair replying smses non-stop. No wonder my handphone so easily spoil. Sister want to give her stupid contract to her bf instead of me! You see what kind of sister i have walao. :( Hate N95.
Although i know alot of people want N95 lah, but it looks so old and spoiled! I hate slide phones. Come to think of it, I haven't had any slide phones or flip phones in my life! >:(
Having serious moodswings nowadays :( don't know why sometimes angry sometimes happy out of a sudden. The more i try to get rid of my moodswings the more angrier i am. So better clear when i'm angry haha. Or else i will commit suicide already T___________________T
Hmmm got a lot of things happening, don't wish to say anything about actually because i'm kinda freaked out by her lol. I seriously don't know what happened to her lah, not that i'm crazy also ==' a huge BIGBIGSORRY to affected people lol. But no doubt I still thinks she's very shuai ;D