Saturday, June 27, 2009 Y 1:32 AM
I really am pissed off with people both on radio and people whom I know, claiming that they miss Michael Jackson and all that shiat, because if you really really idolize him then he might not have gone bankrupt, fools!
So my msn nick was: No point saying how good MJ is, if you did earlier, he wouldn't have gone bankrupt, fools!
Not that I don't also feel sorry about Michael Jackson but hey, I don't really listen to his songs, he did not make an impact in my life and I all I know about him is that he did a nose job, bleached his skin colour to look like diana ross, got charged for child molestation, gone bankrupt, and he created the moon-walk.
That's all! Everything is negative about him except for the last part. That was
what left a big impression of him in me. I mean, seriously!
All the other positive things about him is that he is talented, great musician and blah blah, all related to music. The thing is, he is a great popstar and all until he fell into his own shadow! He was a really good man and sang good songs but hello! You miss Michael Jackson?!
You mean you miss his presence that he was the icon of all pop songs? I might believe you if you feel sorry about him and want to give your heartfelt condolensces. But if you aren't a fan of his and don't listen to his songs and didn't even know what the hell happened to him for the past 2 years and all of a sudden you say you miss Michael Jackson just because he was said to be a popstar icon.
What if suddenly I tell you that he wasn't at all a great singer or a popstar, I bet you would be shocked because you probably have heard all that from the papers or the news, which can possible be unreliable. ha.
Anyway my point is that you are just joking with yourself! Which part of him do you miss? Does it affect you any way or another? Well maybe it can hurt Randy quite a bit and maybe you're a fan of Randy and you get hurt as well.
My dad says that his bankrupt has nothing to do with all these people praising him when he died. But I don't think so alright! If all these famous people had given him these praises when he was still alive then there was a higher possiblity of him with more fans and have lots of support and then rise up again. whoala, you people are just trying to get chaste with the media or what.
Not if you really like Michael Jackson, i don't see why you are so "hurt" by his death.
One of my friend had this on her nick: [I miss Michael Jackson]...[My weakness caused you pain]
and i told her all this crap. Like sort of got pissed with the front statement and the back and sort of scolded her, i know i'm a little insane but i'm just trying to prove them fools.
Firstly, you DO NOT miss MJ. Secondly, if you do miss MJ then what's with the next statement? Michael Jackson's weakness caused you pain? Come on man, you're totally insincere about the whole thing.
One thing proves what this whole post is all about, the newspaper interviewed Michael Jackson's REAL fan instead of someone off the street. You know why, because everyone on the street would be saying the same thing: I feel soooooooo sorry for him, he was a good singer and popstar, we can't bear to leave him.
...and the next moment you are at a disco party dancing around.
get what i mean?
too those who misses him dearly: I feel for you too, you'll get over it.
Lastly, I am also pissed with some ahlians/ahbengs who are really disgusting.
Here are 10 pointers to tell you how much they are disgusting.
1. You wear a spongebob tee but do you really admire spongebob until you have to wear a tee-shirt with his face on it? I can understand if you think this is cute but it is totally not, it makes you look like a retard, don't wear his tee-shirt with his big face pasted on it, thank you.
2. You wear the little miss blahblah tee all over the street not knowing that it is out of fashion. You know why I felt the Little Miss tees are cute but did not buy any? Because I don't wanna look like any of you! Just degrading all these clothes and it used to sell for $20, now it's selling for $5 thanks to people like you!
3. You wear the forehead-band (I forgot what it's called) but do you know what it does? It's supposed to stick your fringe to your forehead especially for people with bangs but you put in UNDER you fringe and you think it looks cool. Or worse still, you don't even have a fringe and you just put the band there because you run out of accessories.
4. You have this disgusting glittering eye shimmer under your eyes which makes you look like you're all dressed up for a halloween party. I've seen on blogshops that they sell red shimmers as well, why don't you try that, it'll be more effective to scare people off.
5. Whats with everyone wearing the same thing? I just saw this girl at tpy just now wearing Little Miss Late and RED skinnies and some flip flops flopping around the area, swinging her arms like she has really nice body odour. The next moment i thought i saw the same girl except with an extra scarf. =='
6. If you want to enlarge your eyes via photoshop please do it NATURALLY and not look like some owl about to hunt you down. And in all photos kindly please do not open your eyes till it reaches maximum and still trying to open it somemore. If so then i hope a bumblebee passes by and stings your eyeball. It makes people feel uncomfortable when looking at your pictures, you're trying too hard, girl.
7. Don't try to use words like googoo gaga, girlgirl and boyboy together happyhappy. WHATTHEHECK are you trying to say?! Looking at you stumble around with your words doesnt make me feel easy at all. It is absolutely not cute and I really have to bring you to the society for spastic people, maybe not, because you can't even talk properly at all! Do you talk like that when you are having an oral exam? I hope you do.
8. Do not twit. [iie lurvexzs euu] is what? Sorry but there is none such words in the dictionary, neither in the singlish dictionary. Maybe you can invent your own twitting dictionary.
Isnt't it much easier if you write I love you? Or better still, at least we could all understand, I luv u.
9. Do not scold any vulgarities because it does not help you win any arguments because it is not the vulgarity-wrestling moment for you. If there is such thing I don't even think you're gonna win it because you might not be hokkien and your vocab is limited. Let's put this to a joke:
boy #1: Why did you steal my girlfriend? She's the most precious thing to me.
boy #2: Nabei Cheebye lah. I never steal your girlfriend okay! What the fuck lah is she like me one okay! Ganlan.
boy#1: I don't believe what you say, she would never betray me, it is you, you who forced her!
boy #2: oi don't push your luck okay, i never force her hor, chaocheebai. Your mother father die see you dare say me anot. Nobody force her hor, kanina.
boy #1: Then what did you do to her? Why is she like this?
boy#2: how i know, love cannot be forced mah. You not happy come fight lah, i not scared! I got gang one okay! this kind of zhar bor you also want, give you lah!
boy#1: She's not a toy! How can you treat her like that!
Obviously you can't communicate with someone who keeps speaking vulgarities. If i was boy#1 i wouldn't be even bothered to talk to someone like that, but at the same time i don't wanna get beaten up. That leaves me with no choice but to call the police.
10. For goodness sake if you have the courage to put hair extensions on your hair then don't just put one strand! it's only $1! If you can only afford one strand then i'd rather you don't put anything at all. Put just one strand of hair doesn't make you look cool, it makes you look bald. And also, if you really loooooooovvve pink extensions then just go dye your whole head pink. pink bits here and there is ugly, like you're so poor to afford more pink strands and resort to bits of this and that.
Thursday, June 25, 2009 Y 4:19 AM

If you see carefully the behind says BIGRED STRAWBERRY FARM

Me and mommy eating strawberry yoghurt! :D

Chocolate factory! We bought lots of durian chocolate and raisin and hazelnut and almond chocolates!

I'm a retarded strawberry! :D

i don't know how my dad's lousy two megapixels could catch this beautiful bunch of flowers.

Tomatoes! They look so delicious that they have to chain it up to prevent me from eating it. :D

CLICK ON THIS PICTURE. it is called the "BIRDS of paradise" and it totally looks like a bird!

I forgot what these are called. bouganvilla or smth? Anyway they are beautiful.

MY FAVOURITE CACTUSES! i went gaga over it because they are so many of them and i want to steal it from the farm! I don't think they mind anyway, they have so many of it!
Since they breed so well in cameron highlands, they sold it for only 6 cactus for $5!

can i be as beautiful as this hibiscus?

cactus! and my family!

There are many of these cactuses, more than what you see here.
These are one of the most hardy cactuses because there thorns are not like those tiny fur-like ones, they are solid and pricky and hard.

The 3 cactuses behind me have been there for over 40+ years! cactuses are one of the most strong-living plants ever! ever! ever!

Me and daddy went into the time capsule to see whats in the past, talking on an old old phone.

Drinking kopi, and you see the metal pail infront of me, its not for peeing, its for spitting!

getting ready for a haircut at the barber's! :D

cooking in their old kitchen.

I'm a store cashier

daddy took a photo of this picture and claimed that this picture would be very precious, i doubt so, if i have uploaded it on my blog then everybody could grab it.
Its Lee Kuan Yew and Lee Hsien Long, when they were young.
very cute uh? i mean lee hsien long.

I love this picture! its like the bee trying to sting me or something.

don't look at my gl face, look at the pretty pretty flowers behind!

I'm the queen beeee. heh :B

cactuses again! Can you get more pictures of it?!

peacock and rooster, on the other side there's this HUGE turkey and rabbits! :D freaking cute!

daddy wants me to pose with this flower again, with a different colour.

Fake duck and deer, but real and beautiful waterfall.

Floweres galour!

It'll be nice if the little house there is mine. :D

the things hanging above me look cute, but my mum sort of say that it is obscene, i don't know why, she refuse to tell me, it doesnt look like breasts nor a dick. o.o"

This bridge is dangerous! I could slip and fall anytime!

Someone could sit beside me,

humongous rose. As big as my face?

At a night market, i hairband-ed my hair so i look really awful.

haha, spykid?

STRAWBERRY STRAWBERRY everywhere. because there is this strawberry farm, tey are selling things all related to strawberries, including bags, umbrellas, sweets, toys etc.


shooting my mummy,

tea farm! hills and hills of them, there is also this little hut that sells all kinds of tea, even strawberry tea! and i drank it.

I'm sorry for neglecting my blog for soooooo long!
now it's time to post/ boast that I HAVE DONE ALL MY HOMEWORK, THAT IS!
heh heh and now pearlyn's bugging me for my history homework hahahaha.
I especially asked many people about the history homework and in the end i still, based on my own instinct, probably did the wrong thing.
But at least i wrote two pages long, even if it's crap! hahaha
went to malaysia for four days and just returned yesterday yesterday.
I'm really sad that malaysia is not on the quarantined list because if then then i could stay at home for at least a week!
I bet there are more people begging to be absent for the week because they havent completed their homework! :D
heh heh,
I almost wasted my holidays for not going out and shopping but i think i would be done shopping if i have collected
But my mummy dont allow me to buy it because she say i too fat cannot wear!
I don't think so leh, what do you think?
Although i really like this piece but i want to make my $24 worth spent also, i told pearlyn about it and she suggest it i buy it on my own.
So i decide to meet up, that is, if the thing is not sold yet lah.
I shouldn't have told mummy about this blogshop thing lahh, now she's all pissed with me.
There will be a blogshop flea market colaborated by 270 stalls on Saturday and I'm definitely going to be there, with someone!
I don't know who!
Who wanna go with me? I've been asking loads of people but haven't given me a reply.
I'm so saaaaad.
aiya okay lah i know you guys are already bored with my blog ever since i lost my phone and don't have anymore pictures to post.
Well at least i have some pictures in my dad's lousy 2megapixels camera on the holiday in genting and cameron highlands.
To tell you the truth, i enjoyed cameron highlands more than genting even though genting is a better place to shop for a shopping queen like me.
Cameron highlands is really a place to relax and enjoy, the air is so fresh and it's cooling, unlike singapore. If i had a choice i would really like to stay in cameron highlands even if i have to plough or weed the farms. haha, maybe not.
I would say i had only played for two days instead of four because the first day was just travelling and travelling and visit some markets.
The second day was visiting many many farms: Cactus farm (my favourite plant), rose farms, strawberry farms, honey/bee farms i think that's all.
And some markets that sell stuff from these farms, expected.
Bought very little stuff and gifts for people so don't expect me to buy you anything!
Maybe pictures if you want! hahaha, well nothing beats going to such a beautiful country of course!
I'm watching channel 8 the Bioskin transformer thingy and omgosh i feel like doing the eye treatment thing!
if i grow up and havent slim down (most probably) i will surely go to either jean yip or london weight management before 20.
and definitely remove my eye bags.
hahaha, i think i have a good chance of doing it.
I can't wait to watch today's series of The Ultimatum.
byebye! :D