Tuesday, March 17, 2009 Y 8:18 AM

Man, I wished time could turn back.
When we were still young and lively, nothing seemed to bother us.
The only thing that is consistent, is change.And a major change is gna be permanent.
I call it growing up, you might call it temperament.
But I enjoy being like that, no frets, no worries. Just so happening and in control.
I used to worry what would happen tomorrow or later.
Would anyone talk to me, would I make new friends, would she leave me out..
would they ignore me, would anyone listen to what i wna say..
But now, its just me.
Alone, and I enjoy being like that.
I finally grew out of my have-to-get-friends-to-go-wherever-i-go habit.
I'm fine alone, although I would prefer friends around me.
And I don't even give a shit on whether who likes me or not, it's just too tiring.
too tiring to think if he/she likes me or not.
too tiring to be upset over someone who doesn't like me.
too tiring to be restricting myself from trying so hard not to say the wrong words.
so tired, and so i'm
letting it all go..
I don't even have much friends to start with anyway.
Whatever you wna say about this post,
whatever man.
In life we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream and an unforgettable love. -Diego Marchi.
Sunday, March 15, 2009 Y 12:22 AM

Our eyes are like that because the flash is soo bright inside the car.

I don't know what i'm doing. -,-

smiling frantically.


sad faces.

monster!! :@

how did i do this so naturally? maybe i have always been laughing like that! :O



i like my shirt!

chio darling!

bought this blindfold for $5! kinda cheap actually, so cool right? i wear this to sleep every night!

when you turn the blindfold over, its hearts all over!

wanted to take a picture of my act twit, but the flash damn bright.

acting cute twits.

darling's looking real hair. so reeeeal. i also want!

everything matches, and faith got a nightmare of it! lmao.

saying lameo things about my bedsheet and pillowcase.

darling wearing my clothes and belt and shoes. chio right chio right?

hugging to the tree.


pale-looking people.

i just blogged this series of history photos because i happen to upload them for Ms Kaur's blog. btw this is our group viewing other people's project works! :D

this is our wonderful project work! all thanks to jacquelyn!

I forgot how to type after so many centuries/
watching American idol now, Kelly Clarkson has put on so much weight!
I remember her first album when she produced the all-known Because Of You, she was damn chio and skinny! like that:

and now she's like that :

But nevertheless, she's a really good singer and i love her latest song, if you ever heard it.
But anyway, sister bought a CD Nick & Norah's infinite playlist. damn nice! Nick is definitely the guy for you! hahahahaha.
also, watch The Reader although it is R21 because the sex scenes are ahem* indescribable.
It raining almost everyday and my nose is going along with the weather. cannot swim nor cycle and sometimes even postponing my jogging days. sigh.
I've made a greeeeat effort in losing weight because i'm eating must lesser as well as watching my diet and going jogging.
so whoever says i'm fat, fuck you.
I'm also going for my FAC now! that's sooo unlikely right! but it is true, thanks to motivation from Zhenling too! Holiday starts tomorrow but holiday is just as good as no holiday. I rather have normal school days man, if school holidays are means for teachers to torture us!
I might consider transferring my
online diary to a physical and practical diary, so that i don't have to go online everytime i wanna refer to my archives. But that'll also mean i have to print out all my pictures and paste it to my diary, but it'll sound pretty cool anyway.
It'll mean wasting ink, but none of the ink i wasted is comparable to what the MOE prints out each year.
So.. that means that this blog will be closed down.
It definitely means alot to me because i spent 3 years updating this blog and now i have to close it down. sad.
But I'm sure to make my own diary more attractive and sentimental!
I also don't have to restrict myself from typing anything out of the box!
alright, maybe gotta go get ready for swimming before my tuition starts at 9pm!
pray to god that I'll not catch a worser cold! (:
I think i changed a lot.
But I think I'm improving alot.
I didn't fail any of my subjects! :D
I'm so glad that it's the first time i didn't fail any subjects!
Moreover, I transferred from E6 to E3, all the more i have to do better than other people right!
I'm so glad that i'm in E3, because the people there are far more encouraging.
Maybe it's just growing up. (: