Sunday, September 07, 2008 Y 7:03 AM

Do you know who she is? 20 mark question. hahahahahs i know sibei lame.

Michelle love wugui! paiseh i cover my face bcos is super ugly!

my twinnie! Yuvin wore black and i wore the white top. $3 only!! :D

Me and my sister! :D

dunno wht i doing?

heh :B
we were at raffles hotel celebrating my mummy and daddy's anniversary! :D
damn high class. HIGH CLASS i tell you.
although i not used to the alcoholic food there.
but the chocolates are ver nice.
how can they put alcohol in the chocolate when they are children's favourites?
They want children to get drunk.
but i loveee the chocolates anyway.
i'm watching KING KONG now.
i just realized that king kongs can be quite macho at times.
Yesterday went study date with honey and mingjian.
We wore the same top except mine was white and hers was black. super cute.
then sat at the KFC which is freaking hot. and TRIED to study. which i only copied a few lines of lit.
and crap alot i tell you. crap
because we dam sian. cos so hot. no mood sia.
then we used our handphones to take pictures of each other. which is super
and mingjian very left out. cause he don't even know what we talking about (school stuff + people he don't know) and he keep asking yuvin to talk about something he KNOW.
and is super LOL.
cause we
crap alot.
and mingjian keep stepping on yuvin's shoe + hitting her head.
hit until she giddy.
and walk aimlessly until we found something to buy.
Thursday, September 04, 2008 Y 6:38 AM




yuvin keep s
i'm eating the teeth-gummy thing!

guzheng sian.

yuvin twist! xDD

guzheng camwhorer


Helloooooooooooooo peepo! ahh, i do have a pair of ballet shoes. i mean it looks like ballet shoes (the above) but it's actually not. so when i wear it out, people will think that i did some ballet before. lolsxz.

can you see the lit notes? arghh.

honeeey and me! <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

today went to guzheng.
yesterday, went to study with Faith Lim + watched Wall. E
Wall E is super cute! it's actually talking about our earth's fertility. That that will be no more agriculture 700 years later. doesn't freak me out actually.
talking to yuvin and michelle now on msn. They are super cute people.
Yesterday, Faith's line was cut-ted by her mum. Cause her handphone bill was $231.
and her mum smsed her about what : i do not earn big bucks just to keep your line alive and bahhh.
So yeah, cannot contact darling from now until she regains back her line.
and that is something worth worrying about. (maybe)
today is such a
busybusybusybusy day.went guzheng. then after guzheng go study together with jacquelyn and kaiying and honey.
me and honey is really BROKE.
honey only brought $4.
i only brought $10.
plus i lend people money somemore!
today didn't do much. but at least got something to copy from. plus i finished some of tomorrow's homework.
now you can say i hiong. Because i tomorrow going watch movie again.
and the movie is 4bia (NC16) so me and honey going try our luck? lols.
do we look like 16 years old?
or does yuvin look like primary school kid?
i hopehopehope that we can get into the cinema. because it is the lan buey ENG WAH cinema at tpy. so hopefully they wouldn't check on us. (:
and michelle was so exaggerated that she say they
pop the popcorn until explode.
then the popcorn put in the refridgerator and pop it again the next day.
then pop until become popcorn soup.
then they collect the soup and reform it into popcorn again.
buying a popcorn is a no-no.
michaa and zeee pangseh us! haix, i think we are the ones slacking loh. everybody now at home study study. and we go out watch movie! hahahahaha
today mouth very itchy.
my stomach is very full. but i still feel like eating.
now you know why i have a bloated tummy. because my mouth is forever itchy.
that was yesterday.
today, i went study with kaiying and jacquelyn and yuvin.
me and yuvin wore extra extra mature so that we can hopefully smuggle into the NC16 movie called 4bia.
the woman saw and she asked : "how old are both of you?" in chinese.
and me and yuvin were quiet. hesitant about whether to lie or not.
then i said 14. D:
so in the end we watched Meet Dave at toa payoh hub.
yes its TOA PAYOH HUB. maybe some of you don't even know that there is a cinema complex there.
the movie, excluding us only got about 7 people in the whole cinema. damn lol. and we were 20min late for our movie can! because we totally forgot about our movie when we were eating at the food court! o.o!
when we were eating halfway, yuvin said : the movie start at 12:50pm issit? now already 1:04pm already!
and i was like: wth!
den we quickly eat finish our stuff and rush over to the cinema complex.
and i keep sneezing all the way i wished some old lady came up to me to sell me tissues. i might twenty dozen tissue packets from her. then she can earn big bucks. then it'll be mutual benefit!
crapcrapcrapcrapcraphaving a bad nose nose keeps running.somebody help me catch it.the movie dam funny. it's about the guy called dave which is a machine that is being controlled by little people. and the machine's reactions are so funny. :D
it wasn't the kinda movie that we wanted to watch actually. but it's quite okay lah.
then before that we bought green tea. and i placed the paper cup full of ice inside my bag!
and by the time i took it out, the ice all fall inside my bag and i had to pick them out one by one!
crapcrapcrapcrapcrapand my bag is soo cold and wet. luckily never wet my homework. or else i will kill my hawker, then kill my teacher, then kill myself.
then the cinema is so empty that me and honey can put our legs on the seat in front of us and shake shake and play. lols.
and i don't even care whether we laugh loud or not because it's not even embarrassing!
and yuvin 'kindly' lent me her black shawl to cover half of my neck.
after the show, i saw the floor.
i was literally littering the floor with lots of rubbish which i dug out from my bag, lots of melted ice and some little don't-know-what.
crapcrapcrapcrapcrapthen me and yuvin went to this very cheap shop and bought a $3 top.
not bad lahs although it is supeeeeeeeer cheap.
me and yuvin went into the same dressing room to change into it.
the shop very cheeap. the things they sell are approximately under $10.
yeah then went study.
study until very vigorous. never even talk loh i tell you.
then kaiying and jacquelyn came to join us.
jacquelyn left immediately.
then went home with kaiying
kaiying keep
and the worst thing is. the whole bus. is. quiet.
and the whole bus was looking at us.
and the more quiet the bus, the more kaiying keep laughing.
so lol + paiseh!
then came home.
and blogged this shit.
i don't even know what i'm talking about,
so tired D;
goodbye, friend.maybe, just a bad memory.because i just don't like you.we don't click.and you're not the kinda friend i should have.i need a friend to encourage me. not discourage me and drag my esteem down.just because you're skinnier, you have so much to say.