Friday, April 25, 2008 Y 5:21 AM
krystal kwan is back again. but this time without a tagboard.
because this is my internet-journal. so if you have anything to discuss about to me just talk to me face to face. (:
and that's the new me.
that's the original me.
i used to be very hardworking and nerdy.
and now i will remain the same. (:
got back my history and science paper. :D
i was super happy lah!
i DIDN'T fail! :DD
and i passed quite an average pass.
somehow, i need to work more on my mathematics. it's gonna kill my mid-year's.
whoooooots <3 i think i'm really improving if i stay at home more often and revising like crazy. Yvonne is my role model. but i know i can never be like her :D
PICTURES! :D i shall use more pictures to show you now because i'm really toooooo lazy to write.
anyway, just to record down my observation: things are getting absurd now. i don't know why. it's the socializing problem.
not just me. yeah.
but well, times changes everything. there's no stereotype however you put it, the loners, the emo-ers, the punks, the happy and the sad.
i just realized it only when elaine told me that. kinda true. :D
humans are all the same. you don't call someone crazy just because they're not like you. of course, not the ones in the mental hospital.
AHHHHHHHH. elaine's influencing me so much i told her to go write a book. and i bet 10 million dollars it'll be selling like hot cakes. and be the next God. LOL. been using Jacquelyn's notebook as a chat book. we talk crap. and more crap. the whole book is full of pictures. and i made Kaiying angry >:(
i'm so sorry kaiying! T.T
recently got addicted to saying "BYEBYE~!"
i don't know why. i just find it funny.
i think i'm going crazy.
pimples growing too many many much.
they look like clusters of red ants.
is 'clusters' even the right choice of collection? LOL.
who cares. I NEED TO GO FACIAL. badly.
sorry for crapping so much. pictures time! :D

i cropped out jacquelyn. she too extra. LOL. somehow hongren looks like a white monkey like this. =x

at MACS during sports day! i was talking disgusting and hongren thinks he's extra.
Simin looks muscular :D

Simin can squeeze through the helicopter! LOL. hahahahhaha.
i knocked hongren's head.
made a small bump.
whoooooooops! =x

kaiying tried to take a picture of me. so..

LOLOLOLOLOL. kaiying's sooo gonna kill me.

You know what he's doing? He looks like an alien. freaks me out.

my handsome daddy! :D

me & Darling at the MRT. i love this reflection. It makes me look thin! :B

notice the colour change? We sun-tanned. We love the beach. :D

wearing my awesome tube bought from sister's blog shop.
can see my bra =(
was trying to find transparent bra straps luh.
The guy behind is cool. No, serious. He's cool.

Darling! My awesome hottie! She is like the coolest person i ever met lahhhhh.
PS. the girl behind is hot.

We're wet. :D

Sentosa rocks my socks! :D

Darling bestie. Best friends forever. And we do stupid things together. :D

Darling hottie! :D

We not pretty. We're awesome. :D




shadow of me & bestie! :D

played around in the MRT.


studying last weekend! :D

Sentosa's island. Beautiful (:

And we leave without regrets.
She made me happy and was there for me anytime, anywhere.
And that's what true friends are made of.
We do everything together.
Although we don't look pretty, we feel pretty.
We are fat. But fat people have best friends. The coolest ones.
I love my darling :D
way better than you.

high class swensons! ahpek choose funny flavours. the boy beside us went,
"bian tai!"
and i was staring like he is a pervert. LOL.

ahpek wearing my jacket! look so gay. LOL

Camwhore time!

kuku hairstyle.

that's all peeps!