Saturday, February 23, 2008 Y 7:44 PM
Reeeeally lazy to post. urgh. so f*cked up.
my mum went crazy yesterday. okay.
She wanted to see my handphone and i wouldn't let her, then she snatched it away. then both of us were like fighting for my phone? it was quite vigorous. yeah, then she ran to her bathroom and i followed her. she almost knocked my teeth out when i was trying to get in.
crazy mum. and somemore my dad was sleeping outside lah.
how can she do this?
then she threaten me :
" you don't let me see your messages ah, i drop your handphone in the toilet bowl!"
then i was like: are you crazy?
yeah she almost dropped it in the toilet bowl. and i almost cried, so she return me my handphone.
what kind of mother will actually play this kind of thing with her daughter lah? i mean, i'm not so evil as in dno't let my mum see my handphone lor.
i still say:
" okay okay, i hold the phone, i read out to you."
then she don't want.
crazy mum. waste of my time lah. kanasai.
yeah then after that she help me squeeze out my blackheads? lol. she volunteered wan.
and i half-drank the milo and spilled it allover the pillow and mum was so angry.
i got my back stained as well.
mummy squeeze blackheads damn pain, well it's supposed to be pain wat. ouuch.
yeah but now my head no more blackheads, yay. :D
it was dam gross when my mum showed me how a raw blackhead look like. like a grain of rice. *puke*.
after that..
it was already 12:45am and my sis hasn't gone home.
her boyfriend asked her to go to his house. like wtF?
then my sis went to his house. and didn't come back till so late.
my mum tried to call her handphone but nobody picked it up.
then mum angry AGAIN.
then she called the M1 person to cut off her line.
heng i sms my sis to tell her man. otherwise i think she can sayonara to her handphone.
yeah then both of them were like quarelling over the phone.
then now my mum wants to call the police cause she 'didn't know what they have done in his house'
my mum says her bf doesn't love her cause he asked her to go out so late.
never think about her at all.
quite true lah.
he should at least concern about her sleep right? but nevermind,
i mind my own business in case i'm the one ended up crying.
yeah shall post a little pics for you all lah.
at least i got update my blog right? unlike someone....
then yesterday yesterday went out with my boy.
quite okay, didn't actually learn anything lah, but at least get to see him lor.
yeah i hope the BHG don't go to KFC so often otherwise i think i really pokkai liao. TT
i still owe yuvin $0.60 and michelle $0.70.
haix i think i shall not go to KFC so often already, waste my time and my money.
everytime we go also not really go and study, i rather go home lah.
yeah, that's my own business right?
lazy to post already lah, but at least my blog not so dead.
yeah i know ahpek looks super old.
but that's not for you to say.
even if it's just a comment, i've had enough.

min min the might monitress and me! :D

i don't know why my face is so red. horrible luh.

hong pi gu! :D

wearing ziyi's father's shades. look kuku and my face looks super big.

michelle the hei se hui nu ren. she even put lucky seven.

yuvin looks like an elf. the shades stick to her head.

looks cute on her. i think :D typically sunshine beach-girl.

i saw renfred in serangoon coffeebean!! he lives around serangoon. i see him almost everyday lah.

ahpek solving the maths question. holding my pencil :D

Sunday, February 17, 2008 Y 2:52 AM

me & the BHGs sharing one cup of bandung.

at the bus stop reflection :D lucky on that day none of my friends were on 317 laaa. heng ar.

if ahpek sees this he is gonna slaughter me.

ahpek sleeping. he looks super old like that. sucky hairstyle. =x

ahpek's too shy :DD

i think it was a special order from somwhere.
otherwise how can a bear be anyhow related to cats? o.o''
sweeet lah.
the box itself cost $10 bucks kay.
don't play play.

He calls me catty by the way.

in case you guys didn't see the background, i shall show you. it says:
i love my cat i love my cat i love my cat i love my cat i love my cat.

HAPPY VALENTINES' DAY TO ALL. INCLUDING ME! <3valentines' day was quite sweet and alright for me.
shall not elaborate cause i shall use pictures instead?
ahpek cut his hair.
looks like in NS.
seriously, not very nice =x
waiting for his sms.
so sian, take so long to reply de.
spent time with him.
he bought me a couple ring.
and his present costs about $200+?
quite nice and lovely.
shall post his pics?
ahpek is gonna coach me in my science and maths!
may i be BHB and say that
ahpek loves me? :D
he sees my blog,
soooooo i
Sunday, February 10, 2008 Y 12:02 AM
HELLOOOOO PEEPS. sorry didn't post for soo long.
yesterday went out with my darling faith. but after going she very buay song with me cos i think i dao-ed her for awhile? =(
i am sooo sorry darling.
the whole day we were just waiting and waiting just to go and see the stupid flower garden.
sentosa suck balls lah.
make me go all the way there just to look at the merlion and some stupid common flowers that i see them almost everyday? WASTE MY TIME.
i swear i am never gonna go to sentosa to wait for ANYTHING. damn fucked up.
i wish 'cus was there with me, but too bad he had to go back to camp. =(
yeah so actually me and faith supposedly going there to suntannnn. :D
but my parents were so upset about my skin and all, then i started to worry also. in case my skin condition worsen =(
shit my skin.
yeah so we were thinkin' of going sentosa today, but unfortunately i forgot to reply faith's message in time so bubbye my beloved sentosa. i miss suntanning.
i wanna pao niu. LOL :D
yeah so basically these were just some pics of me and faith at sentonsa :D

i look like a typical sunshine beach girl :D

me at some funny miniature fountain.

me & faith in the car. she loves my shades, although she feels 'blind'.

faith loves my shades.

me and simin in school. i took this picture only because 'cus wants to see my class monitress.

me and ahpek :D

ah pek looks retarded hahaha =x i think he would look better with a new spectacle.

ahpekkkkkkk. 'cus.

now you can see faith's golden brown hair? cool. :D

very blurry. simin look cute :D

i saw this guy on motorcycle with sunflowers allover. even his body. came out in the papers i think. such a cute old man, i wonder how he manage to stick the sunflowers on sial. :D

cute uncle.

at sentosa. some stupid common flowers for show and nobody's lookin' at it.

i took 1 hour to get up this high to take this pic. sial.

faith took a picture of me queing up for the bus to flower show.

weets :D

faith going crazy cos the bus is taking so long. been standing for quite some time.

on the bus. the shades look funny.

we look like woman in black >=(