Wednesday, December 26, 2007 Y 10:26 PM
Spent christmast with Lim Bo Seng aka Faith aka
so sad boyfriend couldn't come. so faith was my temorary 'boy'friend.
i gave her the white hat, she oh-so loveeed it because it was like:
and we were kinda figuring out how she should wear the hat cos it was too low and kinda block her view.
yeah, went to orchard to faith's mum's pub. ate her mum's spaghetti thingy and drank water =.=" and played stress.
i am so bad at it!
orchard road was DAMNing crowded okay we have to QUEUE up to cross the road. there was so many people we actually took around 5min to cross the damn road.
she stayed over and we chiong homework tgether until around 4am. her teacher is even crazier than mine. especially when she is left with 5 days to finish.
then daddy and mummy came back from vietnam yesterday. bought us adorable keychains and clothes, and ordered pizza.
ohhhhh i just love christmas =)
here are the pictures =)

i tied up my hair and i realised i look like a disfigured ball.

at the MRT with my darling =)

long- time cam whore.

and i still can't get over my new haircut >.<"

i look so cute right? =P

at the pub toilet. darling pretending to kiss me =.="

my darling look so cool with her hat! ;D she loved it.

at macs with my darling and charmaine. i told her this pic looks like the story: the little girl who sells matchsticks.

at the MRT with my darling ;D

she is sooo adorable luh! =p


she loves her shoe -.-

adorable pic.

nokia and sony ericsson..

BIG woman
tiny men.

yeah i guess thats all for christmas although it was ubeer fun =S
Sunday, December 16, 2007 Y 8:35 PM
went out with yuvin and ziyi to cut hair at amk hub. and i totally love my barbie hairstyle.
just that sometimes the fringe gets more to the left or more to the right, which is freaksihly anoyying.
so i decided to touch it every 30sec to check if it's straight.
mum helped me put on fake eyelashes today and it looked so exaggerating! omgosh. i look like a demon! but i manged to cam-whore a few more pics of it,
because i'll never wear it again. amen.
here are the pics! :

do i look like a bitch? omg i think i do.

see my new barbie doll haircut? so sweet right? xD bhb.

it looked exactly like in the magazine.

me & my fake eyelashes. i love this pic the most >.<"

didn't i tell u it looked exaggerating? hmmm..

see my eyelash from the side. ? yuvin said you could put a piece of paper inbetween. =.-

see my cute outfit today xD

me & ziyi! :D

yuvin and her mum (behind her) yuvin's mum wore her airport uniform -.-

me & the cute cute yuvin cam-whoring.

yuvin is sooooo ah-dorable.

ziyi waiting for her turn to get her hair cut.

mirror image of me & yuyu.

that was the end. amen.
Friday, December 07, 2007 Y 4:03 AM

yuvin telling me the story :D

yuvin says: bu yao pai, bu yao pai!

going out! do i wear this? :D

me & my gf yuvin cam-whoring.

sorry arh yuvin block your face.

went to amk hub again to do 'homework' with just yuvin.
we only finished half of a chinese compo lahhx and we're already so restless and boreeed. =/ so we go amk hub walk walk around