Friday, July 27, 2007 Y 3:13 AM
HIhi one week didn't post yeah? well alot of things happened dring this week ):
Yesterday i accidentally saw ******'s ARMPIT HAIR!! i told the BHG and me myself is terribly terribly horrifyingly EMBRRASSED!! it's so omg-ish. )X
i accidentally saw it ok?! not that i delberately went to look IN. then all along was chinese test and chinese test and maths test and english test ): haish you see why i don't get to post so often.
Say, posting lesser makes my marks get higher! Gee, i shall stop posting from now on. haha jkjk :D
well you see my 1st test i got 46/50!!
2nd test got 37/50
3rd test got 42/50
4th test got 42/50
5th test got 42/50!!
HAH! I'M BOASTINNGGGG. :P so sorry for that. well i don't care whether i got 20+ or 30+, as long as i score better than the last time, i can jump over the moon. ahlalalalalalalal.
ZiYi, however is always better than me so not much to say larhhs hmmph! she's not my competitor. :P i even beat yuvin!! hahnanann. ((:
ok recently have found out that make-up is 99.9999% so unprofessional and artificial. Because God gives us the looks that we should like, so why make-up? unless you need uneccassary attention. hahah. So sorry if i provoked any of the make-uppers reading my blog ):
Then xiaxua's blog is becoming so and so making a big hooha! Luckily i'm not one of the famous bloggers. I mean, i will never be one of the famous bloggers. because i will be the one called a bitch. MEANIIIIE!
recently dunno whether i'm putting on weight or losing weight because i have been trying to cut down on fatty food, but when i come to think of it, when i'm beginning to 'not-remember-anything' again, i start to eat. ARGHH!
when the hell will i lose weight if i continue doing this..? I've got to get a personal medication. ):
Just came back from Yuvin's house for guzheng, urgh. Today's guzheng practise made my hands blister!!! >.< class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_1">i'm saving $$ and i don't know why.
hahah. Weird me.
Owes Michelle and
ZiYi a sum of money equivalent to an
OCBC bank and i shall declare that
i'm bankrupt after
recieving the certificate of warding the Mental Hospital. ):
JieYee has been sending my nonsense love messages and going '
muacks muacks', 'miss you' and blah blah and i am
sooo humiliated cause my mum saw it!!
I'm in terribly hot soup and gonna be boiled in 10minutes time.
jkjkOk, now we call his armpit hair char
kway teow because it is so
uber black and curly and long (sorry, if i made you vomit) and when hawkers fry their
kway teow, their arms go right up their armpits. ):
Well, i puked, myself. So i shall not
critiscize no more, anyway, we will all have armpit hairs? Won't we? =x WHOOPS.
And today right after school we were running and i was once again, abit out of my brains. So i ACCIDENTALLY bumped into ** and michelle is sooooo madd at me.
HELLO?! he is so fucking ugly! Why would i bump into him? Besides mich, i wouldn't betray you. I think he didn't even know i bumped into him? and YOU were the one who pushed me nearer OK?! so let it be. Don't get angry alrights? I DON'T LIKE HIM!
I shall end my short post here with a few
neoprints taken from
AMK last sat. :D

Left: ME!
Right: Yuvin

Left: ME!
Right: Yuvin

Top Left: ZiYi
Top Right: Michelle
Bottom Left: ME!
Bottom Right: Yuvin

Top Left: ZiYi
Top Right: Michelle
Bottom Left: ME!
Bottom Right: Yuvin

Up: Yuvin
Down: ME!

Left: ZiYi
2nd Left: ME!
2nd Right: Yuvin
Right: Michelle

Left: ME!
Right: Yuvin

Left: ME!
Right: Yuvin

Left: ZiYi
2nd left: ME!
2nd right: Yuvin
Right: Michelle
Friday, July 20, 2007 Y 5:37 AM
finally get to post one day :D ahah! Today is a specialll day woohoo although i look super-duber-uber-sibei IDIOTIC!! hahah today is Racial Harmony Day is today, Friday! :D heh
and Yuvin+mich+simin+ziyi all wear the diao diao airport uniform haha like relaly wanna go airport like that. But lucky them lor got good figure.. so look nice lah hah :D so wherever they go also ppeople look at them like :" wah, all wear same thing ah?!"
To ive Yuvin credit, i shall mention that yuvin sponsered all four of the kerbayas haha :D But you know what i wear?! -CHEONG SAM!
funny hur.. A girl like me wear cheong sam. aiya i go chinese restaurant work like that lorss haha then my dress cutting all the way up butt loh!!! >.<>:(
Yuvin borrowed me $14 dollars hoh everybody help me remember!!!!! :D heh.
oh no what am i supposed to give? I think i should give something from the heartt.. hahah! :D I wanna do a present for him myself.. but what..? ): think think think :D
he wanna celebrate at Escape with me and invite my friends. Stupid BHG don't support us don't wanna go.. But also quite reasonable also~ very near exams and escape very sian and far also =x
NO OFFENCE BEAR BEAR!! hahah oh ya and i forgot must give him the present i bought for him from China too! ^^ heehee. today gave Jane her be-lated present (: sorry jane. But at least i got give right?! not like.. *ahem*ahems!* I'm a very righteous person -U-
Alright that's all for today's news report lols :D
Wednesday, July 18, 2007 Y 3:29 AM

heh mich i'll pay you 20 cents for this pic since i've cooled down from fucking sisters.
Y 3:05 AM
Fucking sister brought her friends home and used my computer. And she said things like:" daddy also never say anything wat.. so?"
That got me driving crazy and i shouted fucking loudly out so that her fucking friends can hear. And then her fucking friends left and i fucking can use the computer.
C'mon lah, last time when i wanna use her fucking computer she don't let me now even want to INVITE her fucking friends to use mine. Who's the fucking selfish one here, FUCKER?
At least last time my friends came over to use her computer, when my fucking sister came home we still off the computer wat.. Now she didn't even fucking care and continued her fucking video game (her friends)
Now i am the one that is right. This computer is MINE so i have the priority to control over it and not DAD. ok, FUCKER? I am just doing what you fucking did last time.
Alright done with my fucking post to vent my anger. GOODBYE all fucking sister and her fucking friends.
Monday, July 16, 2007 Y 3:02 AM
Heya! Sorry for not posting so long..~~ heh.
Something ridiculous happened. and it is so darn frightening ok??!??!?
My mum's friend just bought
2 hamsters and then her mum don't allow her to keep and gave it to us?!?!?! WITH THE CAGE+FOOD+SAND+WHATEVER?!!?!?
Then now she bought another puppy 3months old =.- It is ubeer cutte!! ahahah :D So now i have
2 dogs O.o OMGZZ!
and my house is turning into a pet shopp!! >.< ahh! I'm going crazy..
And don't worry this puppy doesn't bark or bite ^^ So Michelle or Yuvin or whoever is afraid of my current doggie, Opie, shall not be afraid anymore..
Because, My dog Opie is frightened of the puppy! And i'm not joking.. Hmm.. How can puppies be friendlier than dogs?! argh and my dog now is trying all her best to run away from him -.-
Then today calligraphy again T.T BOOHOO ! i made a mess out of my ink and all ): and i can't write neatly or properly, but argh! I'm a neat girl okaayy.
So now trying to be lead a normal girl's life >.< style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0); font-weight: bold;">NOT to wipe my seat and
NOT be a vegetarian and
NOT get people to stand infront of me and
NOT be a timid girl, I'm gonna be a PAIKIA! which is hard.. ):
Well, since my behaviour can't suit ordinary people, I wanna be a normal girl just like anyone else.
Alright then gotta talk about what Zhengling said today went she and Brenda, Jaztine, Michelle, ZiYi, Jane and me when we went to the cafeteria to eat the oh-so expensive and nauscious spaghetti X.x
I almost puked eating that creamy stuff xP BLEAH! lucky got my rubbish bin, Zheng Ling to finish up my food.
Jaztine and Michelle were talking about audition about their stupid coupling and Zheng Ling mistaken it for realife coupling, so she told us the steps of boy and girl:
#1. Buy condom.
#2. Go home and take off all your clothes.
#3. Dim the light (Do not off the lights because your partner can't see O.O)
#4. Go into a dark place with a bed.
#5. Wear your condom(s) O.O
#6. Get onto the bed.
#7. Start giving each other love bites. (EEEEEEEEW!)
#8. The guy's **** must enter the girl(s) ********. x.X
#9. Moan. O.O (OMG..!)
Yes these are my pervert but virgin friends ahahaaha! And i'm starting to get used to this dirty stuff. >):
And then they ask why condom got flavour wan ah? Then i was also curious ahahaha! =x
Then Michelle knew the answer!! She say because girls also ********************. ok?
censored because no posting pornography in websites for children under 21 O.O hahhaha
Then Yuvin and her dajie insist on going macdonalds instead of going with us. But is not her fault larhhs ): cuz really we went there late and she was quite upset. Besides, I was also worrying about the price there hesitantly. ):
Ok then i ate the least i think? haha cus i ate everything so little except the ice lemon tea was so little!! and then so fast drink finish.. T.T
Then Jane spill her sprite all over her skirt and then so obscene loh like she got menstruation ahhaha =X no offence! Please don't ban my blog!
Now i really scared of posting anything in case there's some hidden rules that we cannot put this on website cannot put that on website since the school is checking on our blogs. T_T
Shall end here with another blow of my happiness to all of you ^^
Monday, July 09, 2007 Y 12:15 AM
BOOOO! Sorry didn't post for QUUITE some time :D ehehe
i think about two days ago went to ZiYi's house do SOME project yea? and it's really SOME project =.=
i think i can finish it in like, 10mins time? -.-ll BOOOOO.
then i touched my ear-hole the back of it and it was quite hard, then i thought : Aye, why is it so hard? and i can even push the 'LUMP' in and out of my ear-hole.
ear-hole as in put earring the hole lah -.-
then i remembered i lost my ear-stud some weeks ago, and i started to get worried, so i go to the mirror and look.
den i look it was silver, then i pulled it out. OOUUUUUUUUCH!! >.<
it's my ear stud!!!!! T.T oh my dear, stud. Where have you been??
my ear was bleeding so mucch and i accidentally rinsed the stud down the sink. Yea, it's meant to be there (:
Today was so funny loh especially during our asthetics calligraphy teacher, lin pau kiang, which is supposed to be lin bao qiang, as known as LAO KOK KOK. :D
everybody was making so much noise and i scared once he shout then heart attack. So i kept doing 'SHHHHH....'
He was talking about the prices of the paintbrush, the paper and the ink -.- and we don't even know how to hole the paint brush yett!!
Lan buey teacher.
and i figured out Chun Yong's blog le wahaahaha :D lucky he don't know mine, NOBODY is allowed to tell him ok!!!???
short post, GOODBAII!!
Thursday, July 05, 2007 Y 11:24 PM
Alright i think i posted the wrong thing? So i deleted it anyway cause Mr Imran said i better delete it, i guess the schools checking everyones website T_T BOOHOO!
no privacy~~ ):
hmm Mr Imran just changed our places today, i guess its kinda O.K for me haha cos i have a friendly girl on my left, Xinyee.
A talkative girl on my right, Pearlyn.
A smart girl on my front. Yvonna.
A crapper behind, Kenneth..
Urgh, its ok if the BHG is distorted, cos we still have our BHG book! wahahaha Mr. Imran, dont you dare confiscate it :DDD heh joking joking :P
Mr. Imrans gonna leave soon and overpowered by the upmost fiercest woman in the whole world Ms. Vanita!! haha but shes just as cool as Mr Imran anyway :D
my earrings were confiscated quite some time ago cos it was TOO BIG. well, my parents said i can wear it. So if its confiscated, not my prob!! haha mummy went to collect it today.
I finally realised that Mrs. Wongs kinda cute and funny and KIND in some ways :D
nothing much to say maybe i gotta go Audition cos my hearts almost dropping out without playing for one week x( gotta go ZiYis hse tommorow also for project. BLEAH. T.T
not bleah to ZiYi hor! I meant bleah to the project heheh :DD
They were saying something about counsellors not doing their job and monitress also, but well, theres a slight change today maybe to PLEASE Mr. Imran? :P joking haha
Better not say anything else and shuddup my mouth before the school really bans my blog T-T I shall conceal this blog till everything starts afresh and Ill be a GOOOOOOOD girl :DD
Like real? haha no la, i really dun wanna drop to Normal Acad!! T-T oh John the baptist please stop their evil deed?
Then Thursday went to the amk library with the school team, i know it's very lame lahh. haha :D I've been there with the school organizers for about 7 times and now even my book review (done in primary five) is pasted there. Go have a look at the notice boards :D
It's stated : Krystal Kwan Hui Yun (16) 6 Charity
and a few other of my six cherrytea classmates haha :D
And each time i go there, we have to do some quizzes, and it happens to be the same old quizzes each time =.=
Then we were supposed to write down on mahjong paper the cons and pros about the internet. Well, if i'm blogging on the internet now, what do you think the interent is, pro or con? xD haha.
Then everybody wrote Pornography. But seriously I've never had the experience when a screen pops up suddenly infront of my computer with X-rated stuff. x.X
Then 1E4 Sachin (dunno how to spell his name) darn funny. When SiMin started to say "Not suitable for young children" then he started to Laugh out loud, then everybody started laughing O.O
We go there just to listen to some rubbish talk on which website is true which is false and blah blah blah about websites, understand? Hhaha :D
Then run up run down just to collect and borrow some library books which is for the quizzes. What is this, TAF club? T.T
Quite funny lea in the beginning ^^
On the same day so unlucky Guzheng teacher call me up and told me if i still don't go for Guzheng practise she will take it as i transferred CCA. this means she is forcing me to transfer out!~
Time to go for guzheng! BOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Bleah and currently i learnt how to play liang shan bo yu zhu li ye over my Guzheng :D haha. Who's the lucky fella to listen? Yuvin, of course -.-
And i forgot to tell all of you, Wednesday was
haha he asked if i could pa tho with him after his PSLE. -.- yes he is younger than me alright. But whoala! My birfday present to him could be no bigger than a birfday wish and some chocolates haha.
He is darn cute. The converstaion between us, edited, of course, afraid you might not be able to see what he's typing:
Tory: Today during IT lesson i play computer games, the teacher saw it and scolded me, but i shouted at her and ask her go eat viagra and i quit! Am i cool? ;D
Me: ya very cool! Erm you so young know what's viagra??!!
Tory: Of course, viagra is for KFC.
Me: KFC?
Tory: Kallang Fucking Centre.
Me: OMG OMG. when did you learn it?!?!?!?!?!? omg
Tory: I primary one already learn, lame sia you.
You see how people are getting taught dirty younger and younger these days? Even my little cousin keeps licking people's legs. =.-
haizz so tired *YAWN*. seeing BHG members tommorow at 2:30pm >):
ohya~ and our IT teacher organized this barbeque on 28th July. Bring food and maximum 2 friends. Who wanna goooo? at East Coast there. Specially for people having birthdays on july and august :D
And last saturday our retired, or much say retarded, Maths teacher was on the newspaper, and now he's on the headlines. =.=
Why, what happened? i tell you what happened, he scratched someone's car and wanted to drive off. But the person wanted to settle this problem with him and stood infront of his car.
Mr Yeo didn't care and just knock the person onto his windscreen and drive with him on his car. RIDICULOUS right? and the man dropped off after about 20km. And now he should be in jail.
After going to court, of course.
Well, that's or retired maths teacher. If you happen to see him on the newspaper using something to cover and wearing sunglasses, yes, that's him.
One time we even saw him wearing sunglasses, tucked his whole blouse in, eating ice-cream and jay-walking infront of the school. How eccentric can he be? Too ignorant liao bahhs -.-
Alright that's all news for me.