Friday, June 22, 2007 Y 5:33 AM
hey people im backkkkkkkk! :DDD hooray hooray! haha (:
since it was a nine day trip, i shall not use boring passages to describe my journey, but interesting pictures :D have a great time watching! :DD
And i bought presents for each and everyone of you! :D

Presenting, The worlds BEST good quality, KRYSTAL'S STICKER ALBUM!

Entertainer Patrina steals my idea and makes her own imitation sticker album :D

Behold! The queen of green tea is back! With my men, awaiting to shoot me T^T

ShangHai's famous lamest Smelly Tofu! pee-yuk :DD

Their 'healthy' green tea is darn yucky, tastes like grass x.X yuck yuck.

It's not just a pillow fight! It's TEA PILLOW FIGHT! :DD haha

Though it's yucky, i dirnk it up for health's sake (: but my sis is lousy, she can't wallop the whole thing :PP

Tea house! :D

on our shopping spree! :DD buying clothes ^^ BEAUTIFUL clothes uh-huh. :D

strolling around for new clothes. i love the dresses there~! :DD

HEY! Daddy randomly took a photo haha :D

Me&sis in night market awaiting for more bargains :DD

watched their acrobatic cultural shows (: so loud and noisy. But nice. :D

eating their famous lamest Dong Po Rou so much FATS! e-yuck yuck.

Their cultural show doing some lame fights :DD ahahaha

Great balance! :DD

sister keep pulling down her eyes show her red stuff inside so disgusting. )x Daddy took a photo of it haha :DD

sister wants to but her dress but rejected in the end cause too yellow ahahaha :DD

It's romeo and juliet's parlour pond :DD where's my romeo? T-T

I'm the big big giant! wahahahaha :DD

Romeo and Juliets palace :DD

The ANIMAL PARADISE! :DD including me and sis? :DD

The GOLDEN scissors for cuting heads. ahah :DD

Kampong village's scenery 's still beautiful thanks to me the photogenicer :D

family photo at kampong village :D

ahoy! wooden ship! :DD

This guy there helps you improve in your studies, better kneel on your knees now! :DD

Romeo and Juliet, which is Romeo, which is Juliet? :DD IM JULIET!! ahaha :DD

at the entrance of kampong village :DD me&sis

on the kampong boat ready to set off! :DD only 8 people allowed.. otherwise it'll sink! :(

sailing!! :DD sis so blur. =x


how they colour their cloths, using blue dye from a flower :DD they made my shirt blue too! :DD

mummy&daddy bought their most expensive art piece from master Kong $6000!! :DD

at the famous bridge when it's raining :DD

thought i don't look like her, i act like her :DD but she doesn't carry a umbrella!! :(

daddy&mummy bought 7 pieces of that silk bed sheets :DD WOW!

The making of silk! Makes you get less sufferings and sleep well -u-

on top of the famous lamest bridge that was built in china to prove that they were strong enough to the japanese. :DD

It's so damn windy ): I can't see! :DD

Master Kong's another artpiece cherishable. :DD

Their Xiaolongpau is MAMA-MIA! :DD tastes of human meat though.. (:

xiaolongpau shop sells great dim sum and great girls :DDD me&sis :PP

jie picking out her white dress ready to commit suicide :DD

i pose, you pick :DD fair enough? :DD

yellow tongue! :DD made out of potato chips, not fried ones with salt. just peeled from sweet potatoes then grilled to give crispiness and hardness :DD we bought 5 packets!! :DD

jie covering her face cos too paiseh liaoz :DD haha i'm still eating the chips :P

I'm smoking!!! :DD nayy it's just plastic cigerattes my keychain (: tastes like chocolate, look like chocolate o.o

on the top deck layer of the boat SO UBER DUPER WINDY! whooooo! :DD

wind has not yet started. -.- but im freezing! :S

the scenery of the world's 3rd highest building :DD we went inside lehh!! ^^

the building with a dead body O.O haha not me hoh! >.<

cultural show of their buddha growing hands :DD beautiful right? right at the back are men O.O

kampong village promoted by me
haha :D nice right ^^
Me eating their xiaolongpau at the restaurant yum yum :D see jie's bowl got 3, i only got 1 T-T
jie eat the kwey don't give me eat T-T she bully me!! :DDD at the shopping centre like Orchard road like that :D
next to the bubble tea shop. THEIR BUBBLE TEA SUCKS! tastes like tea :DD
me drinking their yucky bubble tea while jie poses :DD NOT FAIR! (:
me eating under their famous xiaolongpau shop :DD got show on tv before de leh!! :@
random photo taken by daddy. :DD jie can't even see her face so small ^^
outside another restaurant selling seafood bun. x.x inside got red bean outside is chao ta de ):
on their bridge build by famous china king :DD i'm so honoured :')
random photo while walking down :D haha mummy's leg got prob can't walk carefully lols :DD
we went up this tall tower 263 floors tall!! :DDD and so skinny too! i think i'm fatter than it )x
this sitting position is called mei ren kao. means beutiful position O.o haha :DD
eating their xiaolongpau again :DD yummy yum yum!
at the shoe shop! :DD mummy bargaining while jie chooses her favourite shoe. I BOUGHT MINE!! :DD
heya daddy! :DD
massaging parlour lehh!! too bad children under 18 can't wash their feet, children under 21 can't massage their feet ): BOOHOO. we just lie there and play haha :DD
aiyo this botak spoil the whole beautiful scene T-T
me and jie right on top of the world's 3rd highes building O.o so amazing!! soo UN-scary actually :DD
the scenery is nice~~~ :D
daddy want me to pose next to this building we're on top of :D nice and creative right!? :DDD
jade, ruby, sapphire, jasper, CRYSTAL!! :DDD my name is there! just that the C and the K ):
this rock behind me, the more holes in it, the more rich the person who owns it in the olden times :D IM RICHH!
someone's garden in the olden times, beautiful right :DD
last time their little emperor only nine when he died O.O even i'm taller! seee!! :DDD
this statue gives luck when you touch it's tail :DD guess, the male or the female one? :DDD
me on the top deck of the ship. WINDDD! it's freezing me!! :DDDDD
no more wind, left my messy hair awaken :DD
beautiful scenery hoh!! :DD
blue photo of me&mummy. mummy is so chioo! :DDDD
looks like HongKong, or Singapore? :DDD (not me, the background)
WAX MUSUEM WITH FAMOUS STARS! > let me decide, i'm not prepared for this proposal :D
Marilyn Mornrael :DDD reminds me of betty boop :DD hahaha
Zhang Guo Rong :D he died of gay poisoning and was a famous actor with anita mui :DDD
Kelly Chen!! know she's very famous!! :DD pretty girl (:
on the ship blows my messy hair off :DDDD
Liu de hua :DD the singapore famous famous singer!!! :DDDD whooots i like his songs (:
ohh my prince Harry, when will you come back? to earth? :DDD
compare the messy hair and the botak? who looks prettier? handsomer?
Yan Chen Shun!! :DDDD the member of f4. his face looks oily ):
Jolin Tsai! :DDD sexy lady (:
Angelina Jolene and Brad Pit! :DDDD hate her lips, love her husband (:
Yao Ming! :DDD the famous basketball player in China! see the difference in hight? He's 2metres tall!! hey Hong Yie he taller than you lehh!!! :DDD
I'm playing footbal with beckham!! :DDD omg he's so darn ugly (:
Zhou jie lun looks like a petrol station worker =x haha i'm so honoured to dance with him! :DDD
Tiger Woods, when your ball goes in, i'll give my balls to you :D hahaahah jkjk ;D