Thursday, May 31, 2007 Y 7:01 AM
Well Well Well.. Why didn't Yuvin blog about being mean to me? Is it because she is too embarrassed?
Today i thought i was supposed to go Michelle's house. Again. But nobody contacted me, so i thought 'Aiya no need to go wan la also nobody care..'
And whoala! Faith came to me house!
:DD She played audition like mad and soooo uber duper pro. She's level 10, what do you expect? (:
Then did homework (: Little.. Homework, like just finding a few poems? :S
Gotta blog about yesterday, the world's most
busiest and
dirtiest and
funnest day ever!
:DDWell, maybe not the world, but to me. It was like
HELL.In the morning-- 9:00 am woke up and got changed a woke my mummy up just to fetch the inconsiderate thick skinned brats to Escape Theme Park with our whole class..
These people were uberr thick skinned alright! They wanted to leave without me just because my mummy wants to take a 5min extra nap! X(
And in the end, we were uber duper early. -,-''
At Escape Theme Park we waited and waited because
1) nobody has come yet.
2) It was raining.
So we waited till Kaiying, Eleanor, QiJun, Yinwei, Jeraldyn, , Jetaime, Kelvin, Ron, Zijian, Liang Ming and Mr. Imran to come. Phew~ finally the rain stopped (:
The took a long time to pair up and get tickets for the ride.. Haiz.. That muddled head Mr. imran! ><
Once we reached there, Michelle got scared of almost everything! I mean, it's not like the rides are gonna
KILL you.
It's just gonna.. gonna.. maybe make you puke xPPP eheheh..
We went to the haunted house first when it was fast!
Because Jeraldyn was scared once she stepped in and ran out from the entrance twice.
-,-''But seriously, you couldn't discriminate someone who's really scared of the haunted house, it's just something natural whether or not you're christian
:Di volunteered to be last because everybody was so scared.
Michelle had to cling onto her most "loyal" friend, ZiYi. And need me&Yuvin, the braveries to surround them
So it was like. Yuvin infront, Me at the back. -,-'' What is this, your body guards or something? O.oll
Everything doens't seem so scary after all, but i just screamed to put in some fun. (: That was stressful.. Because the people in charge are hoping you could scream
FOR THEM.After that played Viking. (:
Michelle was sooo uber duper afraid of that thing that she almost cried -,-ll She forced ZiYi to sit in the
MIDDLE with her because it was less scary.
and me&Yuvin sat at the back cos it was more scary :DD we played 'Who Screams The Loudest'
And as you can see, there's this thing in the middle to seperate the 'Teams' So it was named Yuvin's team and Michelle's team.
And of course, the more kepo kias won..
WOOHOO! (me&yuvin) of course,
played the uber duper childishiest thing ever that isn't scary at all. It just makes you wanna puke.
You lie there not moving like frozen people. And the machine swings you round and round like crazy and eventually stops when you're gonna puke because they don't hold responsibility for puking there.
T________TTook a long time persuading Michelle to sit on that cup ride when you turn round and round and the machine turns along with you.
I was scaring Michelle when she was on the ride by saying that it was so scary hahaha xPP and Yuvin was consoling Michelle.
Michelle!! Be a Brave and
HAPPY child, like
:DDDThen played Inverters. That was uber duper scary!! x((
Seriously, that was my first time sitting on that thing. Because most of the time when i go Escape, it's under operation. BOOHOO..
You turn upside down, lean infront, lean backwards, and finally....
Your leg hurts.
Hahahaha x(( Because when you turn upside down, the seat belt fastened on your lap presses onto your lap and your bones hurt.
But it was funn!!
Yuvin's scream is so piercing X.x She goes screaming right at the beginning O.oll but haha i scream.
But Mr. imran said my scream was sort of the cutest screams ever
:DDThankkiiew Mr. Imran! ^^
Mr. Imran didn't want us to scream, but i think in his heart, he does want us to scream :P
I find it kinda funny because Ron keeps sitting that Inverters alone like nobody's business umpteen times! O.o doesn't he feel lonely or bored? Hmm..
Then played that
*Splash Splash*I keep sitting with Yuvin and she volunteered to be at the back (the wettest person) because when going hme that time i will be sitting at the back -.-
Don't think that i don't know you're up to, yuvin.
HIAK HIAK :DDYuvin forced me to scream when i seriously have noenergy to scream at all! ): But it was for my sake, actually.
Cos i really find it more fun to scream than to Don't Scream (:
Then went to Wild Wild Wet there to eat KFC! (: then took neoprints.. The played that Arcade.
Hahaha the arcade was the funniest. Yuvin spent 3 bucks on the '
Picking Up' machine to try her lucky and pick up toys. But in the end, the machine barely moved 1cm and then started lowering, then grabbing the air.
Was it the machine that was fooling us? Or was it we that don't know how to operate it?
Yuvin was so mad. ):
We took the neoprint that was ubeeer lan!! argh! May i bash that thing? ):
So small lo then not enough time.. (!!!!!)
Then the arcade ar.. spent 10 over bucks topping up that stupid funky card just to play a few stupid games. Played that basketball thing. ):
We were uber duper lan at that haahahha our highest score was.. 38? Heehee
:DThere was this boy hoh uber good at basketball hoh
NONE of the balls missed that basket!!
Congrats Congrats!!
:DDDDDD Hmm.. does he know my blog anyway? :S
He was the guy that was trying to tell me something about that number 2 on the plate. But i don't understand him.
HE'S A SINGAPOREAN!! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!?!i mean i don't understand what he's tryin to say because it was too noisy.
Maybe he's just trying to talk to me?
:DD *Flush Flush* Or maybe he's try to explain to me? O.o
Wanted to play the Para Para which was like something like audtion just that it was using legs, not fingers. (:
But it was not working!!! Darn that thing!!
*Bash Bash*After that it was already 7+ pm when we were soaking wet taking 88 going home. -.- Then Faith called up and wanted me to go Junction8 with her!!! (!!!!!!!)
Then mummy picked me up at Toa Payoh when i was itching like crazy and stinking.
Ate Sphagetti then went to junction8 with Faith to watch Shrek 3. -,-''
We smuggled in Tako Pachi and some soft drinks haha :D
Shrek 3 is funny. Don't listen to your parents (My parents) because adults don't have same brains as children. (: They (My parents) said that it was a BADDD. show.
After watching was already 11pm -,-
reached home at about 12am. ARGH! mummy said this was the last time i'm going out so late.
And I caught No-number-person.!! WOOHOO. FINALLY.
finally i picked up this call instead of missing it. It was Toryy!! The ubbeeeeer cute cute boy boy.
Let me recall what he said to me.. Ya. He's one year YOUNGER than me and is ubeeeeer cute!
Primary six and has six packs (OMG OMG OMG RIGHT? ) Wants to marry me when he turns 18 *blush blush* taller than me ( 1.65m) and is SHUAI SHUAI SHUAI.
The first time i saw him i was like. OMG are you really younger than me?!?!
Haha i'm honoured to have a FRIEND like him (: But we'll remain friends forever sadly, ):
Thanks Tory for the warm welcomes and gifts, i'll remember you. ^^
Alright! Time to say goodbye to Yuvin and say Hello to Guzheng Practise in school tommorow.. ):
Toodles Yuvin Loo and Bon Voyage! :DDDDDD Buy things for me hoh! xPP
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 Y 6:39 AM
Heya! :D sorry never post for.. mm.. a few days ^^
yesterday (Monday) was a REAL terrible day for me! lesser for yuvin okayyy.. =.-
cause i had to go to yuvin's house for guzheng practise at 9. so i ESPECIALLY woke up soo early to go guzheng practise.
who knows yuvin didn't even tell guzheng teacher or ME what time? and in the end i fell asleep at her hse =.- lols cause there was NOTHING TO DO! and yuvin kept playing shockwave.
i tell you, that was the lamest games ever.
she played nanny for a few times and that sevant till i was ubeeerr bored! >.<
then her DAjie came over to go school with her. that was the worst part. >< we were almost latteee! (!!!!!)
it was already 12:10pm and we needa reach school by 12: 45pm! from YIO CHU KANG!! acccckkkkkk!!
we waited for that stupid 853 bus for so long it was already 12:21pm!! wahpiang!!
after that we stopped at the MRT station and run run run all the way from the bus stop opposire presbytarian high and took the MRT. then yuvin was so ubeerrr kanchiong.
she keep worrying while me& her DAjie was so calm.
cos we know if we're late, she's gonna PAY FOR IT.
finally reached toa payoh, then run all the way for a cab and the uncle "joked" with us.
i don't find it funny, and i don't think neither yuvin thinks it's funny. but we just laugh to give him face. he said he "joked" with us because we were too ganchiong for the oral exam.
if we're late, 20% of the marks will be deducted. (!!!!!) so we were running like crazy!! ><
lucky we were still.. not so late (:
i was so ganchiong lohss.. haizzz.. then the examiner Mr. Wong talked from 'Saving Environment' to 'Eating Toads'. =.-
i sms-ed michelle the answer which i was not suppsoed to. but haizz.. lucky th questions he asked me wasn't the questions he asked michelle ^^ PHEW~ or im in hot soup.
but michelle still claimed that i was abit of help and she treated me to a 100% cost meal on Fish&Chips!! thankkkiiiiiew michelle! :DDDD
haha had a great day then played the 'Skittles Game'
we played Hai Dai and whoever loses eat the sour Skittles which was soooo ubeeeeerr sour!! >< and whoever wins will get to eat the wildberry flavour :DDD
i was eating soooo many sour skittles till my brain almost get brainfreezed and eventually died of friend-forcing-sour-skittles-game.
no fair lohh ziyi keep on eating the nice nice flavour. oh ya.
and by the way, whatever colour that we pick, represents a guy.
red --> ERIC.
blue --> liang ming
yellow --> YingKang
Green --> ZhengRong
Purple --> Kelvin.
and there was so many RED! hahahaha tthat michelle almsot went bonkers.
Mr. Imran was there talking to us and he got to know finally simin's boyfriend. And not that everyone doesn't know, i should announce it publicly. SimIn has a boyfriend.
in NCC. looks like MALAY. and is 'HANDSOME'. and is 'MUSCULAR'. and is HEARTLESS.
hahaha whhops sorry simin to offend your boyfriend like that ): haizz. but i'm just speaking the truth. and someday, you'll be facing the same thing that i mentioned.
we were so noisy at playing haidai that Melvin, a upper secondary guy had to come up to us and say " if playing this accross the street makes you high, then i think you have a mental problem"
that was ubeer offending! ><
did he think that we were trying to attract attention? or maybe he's just jealous that we have skittles to eat :P
and he added "and you're scaring my friend here"
and he pointed to his nerdy china friend. and i almost choked up on my skittles x(
then in the night, my sister fell ill. she was sent to the hospital.
while i stayed at home, and READ BOOKS. (!!!!!!!)
my parents were out buying our healthy dinner for saturday while my sister broke out on her fever from her bed and started crying.
my room and her room was far apart. so i heard some 'cat sounds' and i thought that was nothing. but after awhile i was scared something would happen to her. so i found her crying so loudly on bed.
i brough a ice with towel for her. and daddy&mummy came in time to bring her away. urgh. i waited for them looohh!!
and just 2 days ago, something happened to Hong Yie. not exactly happened to him. more likely, happened to my phone.
my mummy was watching the TV and i was too, engrossed with it. so i didn't take notice on my phone lying on the table. and my mummy took it (!!!!!!!)
she read through the 17th sms and that's when i found she was reading my MSGES!!
and she asked me "who is this Hong Yie guy who come muack muack with my daughter?"
then i lied and said "Ahhh he's my Zhonghua senior la. he very flirt de lah, he goes muack muack with everyone. " =x no offence Hong Yie.
Of course, i don't want my mum to know that i've been seeing this 'online' guy in secondary 5? And you know, my mum detests people in normal. so the more, i shouldn't expose his real identity to her. till he goes to Poly.
and Marcus called me too. i named him as 'Fucker' in my contact book in my handphone. and i forgotten that because he hasn't called me for the past one year and suddenly he called me.
the minute i picked up i heard some weeping. and then he put down the phone. i wonder how he's doing now.. (: althought we're through, that doesn't mean we can't be friends! :D
maybe he's found himself another girlfriend? someone smart enough than me to dump him first before he dumps her? hmm.. i wonder i wonder.. :D
today went to michelle's house to do 'project'. we barely made a few wires and drank a few cans and whoala! we 'DONE'
and the next minute we're playing audition. LOL. wasn't the first time we did this! =x hahaha but it wasn't quite fun day because yuvin just made fun of me till i cried.
at that time i really feel like killing her. but i dare not touch a single bit of her, becuase i know she thinks i'm joking, then laughs harder.
they were making this nickname for everyone for our class blog and yuvin was SAMPAN, michelle was BOTAK, and yuvin made me as ** ****.
i shall not expose that because i hate people calling me those kinda names. Yuvin was too much, she claims that she was just joking, but that was only for consolation.
because she laughed so hard her jaw almost dropped open and she still suggested that they call me that in future.
it was so not funny. imagine if people call you ** ****? do you like it? i don't mind people calling me saman or botak you know, you know it well yourself, Yuvin.
and i don't think very much you liked to be called ** ****. don't give me excuses such as yo're just joking okay. you wanted that nickname of me to be permanant there and you laughed at it.
since you laughed at it, you yourself, without saying would be definitely humiliated yourself that that nickname is funny. so why not we call you that?
you think people wanna be fat? you think everybody wanted to be just as fat and disliked? you think people feel good to be fat? if you don't think so, you wouldn't have given that nickname.
don't give excuses like it's not me! because it IS you. it IS you among the meanest of all .
whoever hears any recording tape from that, without hearing your voice, people will know that it IS you. you bloody bitch. you don't know the feeling of being fat. and i don't know the feeling of being slim
and i admit that, because i have never been slim in my whole life. and you can laugh all you want.
because you are totally meaningless in this world.
and seriously, you discriminate in fat people. and i don't that. because you don't know what it is to feel like being fat, Yuvin Loo.
i will not harm you, because heaven will do.
Saturday, May 26, 2007 Y 1:51 AM
Hope you guys like those pics down there! ;D
soooooo uber long never post ): haiyoyo
don't feel like posting lehhzzz but hoh yuvin keep bugging me.. so i shall keep this a shortt post (:
yesterday was so aiyoyoyo la >< i found out my class position and i donwanna find out my level position anymore.. BOOHOOHOO!! T-T
Congratz nerdy but smarty Michelle ex-dada for topping the class!! :DDD hip hip, hooray! :D
Congratz pretty but nerdy ZiYi dada for getting 3rd!! :DDDD hip hip, hooray hooray hooray! ;D
hahas but hoh.. me and yuvin very lan liaoz =c
yuvin at least better than me lorss she get #29 :P i hor.. got improve larss.. last time i bottom 3, now hoh.. bottom 6 T-T
usually girls are supposed to be the smarter ones, but i let all you funkies down! >.<><
then we stayed back yesterday to do the camera thing.. i was the main actress ;DD hahas whoops =x no boasting :P
remember the thing about me selling pirated CDs? yea i looked so uber FATTTT in the video!! =x so i shall not post in on my blog. :P hey, ain't i fat?
they all said i was such a super actress mwahahaha =x cos when the relfection that time they say i look like want to cry liaoz.. cos i tried not to laugh, then i started to frown so much my double-chin showed X.x
since i've done such a great job, i needn't do anymore stuff :P
yvonne and xinmei were GREATT directors! and siyang was a GREATT camera woman! hahas and i was a GREATT actress ^^
so the video clip turned out uber nice (:
although i lokked sucky.
while they are doing their stuff, the rest of us were playing with the iMac computer and taking photos lols.. scroll down to view them..
but today went tfor parents meeting.. haizz.. thanks Mr.Imran for reluctantly putting up so much good words for me.. otherwise my mummie wouldn't have bought me the cake (:
i thought he would say something like.. very playful, very naughty, (disobedient?) or very vulguor >.< all the bad things he said about me was only ONE: talkative..
heehee. ^^
well, i can't deny that i'm talkative, but i DID listen! i don't understand why teachers always think that once you talk, you can't listen. well partially it's right, but three quarters, it's wrong.
and my art is GOOD! why give me a B3? hello?!?! my art is GOOD! G.O.O.D GOOD! teachers nowadays are unreasonable -.-
my mother mentioned about the maths teacher being NOT GOOD. but hey, i'm fine with Mr. Yeo for not scolding me! ;D and Mr Imran said that there were many parents approaching him for the Mr Yeo talking vulgar, scolding, being rough and thnkgs like that.
my mum complained about Mdm Jiang also.. i think i'm the only one who complained about her, right? i think so.. :S that for the whole year she DIDN'T TEACH at all..
all she does is give us homework and homework and expect us to do research for all the words? DREAM ON MDM JIANG!
i wanted to complain at Mdm Tan Ghim Hua also.. but hoh.. i thought i was too much already.
i'd rather Mr. Imran think that i was not such a picky person rather than a person who complains about the teacher just because i failed the subject..
thanks Mr. Imran ;D BOOHOO.
and mum just forced me to go to aunty Maragret's gouse to listen to some crap talk. i got so bored i started crying. then my mum said that 'I WAS FEELING WELL' and brought me home.
phew, im lucky im still alive :D
and she just left home again to Aunty Margaret's, so she offered me a job to take care of the chicken soup cos my sis' having a high fever.
she has been lying on the sofa since morning and hasn't eaten anything till now. except her medicine. And she's taking off tommorrow to the Sarawak trip with her school.
oh boy, i hope she doesn't get any trouble and get well soon (:
Sister Esther, Get Well Soon! ^^
that's all for now~! :D sayonara and goobai! ^^
Thursday, May 24, 2007 Y 11:17 PM

Pearlyn the chio bu! her hair is nice (: long and wavey.. (: and tall too ! ^^

everybody's dodging >.<

Yvonne the sweetie on the left, xinmei then pearlyn.. :D

Y 11:12 PM

michelle using her sharp comb to poke yuvin's head lols :D fingersup!

kepo kia hands X( itchy giners arhh michelle and ziyi!

XinMei, Jetaime, Yvonne, Pearlyn all dodging from the camera ): aiyo don't shy please! pretty faces! :S
Y 11:04 PM

Xin Mei said i look very guniang in that picture haha ;D and that orange thing next to my is michelle's SHARP comb trying to poke me :D

ahhh my beautiful hair!~ haha xD *poke poke poke*

me&ex-dada michelle loving loving* ;D hahaha yuvin don jealous hoh! >.<

yuvin's face looks longer than usual =x the cuddly duddlies :D the one with 3 fingers is ziyi but cannot see her head ):

michelle banging her *fake gun* in between our brains xDD

me acting like Cho, the guy in the latest news that murdered 20+ ppl? and then killed himself lolx :D

now, do i look more like Cho?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007 Y 5:31 AM
since audition can't work~ i shall blog a little maybe about today & yesterday (:
yesterday was CIP day and that everyone in the level has to sell stuff and me, yuvin, ziyi, jetaime, simin, michelle and blah blah has been working on the clothes peg to sell it off for about a month! but in the end the business was BAD! X.x
haiz.. so much for our hard work!! ): haizz.. but i confirm it was nice to us :D of course, it's our hard work! :DD
i had not much fun time there ): cos very little games, the N&T had to same games which was stacking up the cans and u have to aim on it xP and it costs $1!!! Weishan dragged me to play the $1 game for just 3 pieces of sweets!! X.x
haizz.. but sure i really preferred the N class rather than the T class cos the T class was uber rough. they can just shout at you regardless whether you aimed at it right or not ): and this N guy came up to me and shouted at me T-T
N class is friendly!! support 1N1!!! hahahas =x support 1E2!!!
1E2 (my class) sells clothes peg handicrafts like straw hearts, ceremic figurines and cookies that caused me to vomit!! ><
argh! but it wasn't the cookies' fault anyways, it was my 'period' that caused indigestion (:
the haunted house was kinda creative i thought, hahas it was created by 1E3, right? yea.. they used the CD shelter to created the haunted house..
it was cheeeap and hmm.. worth it :D it costs only $0.50 and we get to get frightened by the sudden darkness and scareness hahas ):
actually some parts wasn't really that scary lols cos we already SEEN the 'ghost' and it still came after us -.- so we were forced to scream to give them face lols haha .
the only pathway were light sticks so we had to be very careful with the many steps ahead (: then while i was walked there was this guy who suddenly crawled out from underneath and grabbed my legs i almost tripped.
it was NOT scary okaayyy! i almost TRIPPED and u ma have to compensate for my medical fees hahas! but okay lahhs the room was quite small so i pardon the small scariness (: fun larhhs.. great effort taken!! ;D
ahem* i'm not supposed to promote 1E3, am i? hahas
then i played this game at 1E4 that u have to dip your hands into this pail of DIRTY WATER to collect some marbles. the more u collect, the more points, the bigger the present.
i paid $0.50 for THAT. lol. but it was UBBEERR worth ittt! hhas cos it was exciting.
there was water pipes in it, wet tissue paper? (O.o), marbles, and worms.
alright, the worms part was actually not meant to be told. it was yuvin who told me there were worms in it. and it was crawling below. and i had to dig below for the marbles!!!!!! ><
yuvin loo i hate you! >.<
but it was alright, i won this cute little doggie stuff toy for $0.50 and yuvin got this ice cream stick stuck with a doggie photo for <
but it was alright, i won this cute little doggie stuff toy for $0.50 and yuvin got this ice cream stick stuck with a doggie photo for $1 hahahaha..
hmm but it was useless for me (: i had to actually dump it aside =x
then i had SERIOUS cramp after that i couldn't move. i was sooo tired my eyes were drooping and i almost fainted due to exhaustion. T-T
i was too tired i fell asleep walking, wherever i go. T-T ZiYi was the biggest and the most WEIDA person in the world!! X)
Cos i was feeling so tired all i could do is just climbing the stairs. ZiYi helped me pack my bag, Helped me write, help me buy drinks and treat me even, and even mopped my vomit X.x
cos she treated me to fruit juice and i didn't have enough energy to drink it all up. so i threw some away.. T-T then everything that i ate i threw it up after school.
i stayed back 30mins after everyone has left the class cos i was too weak to stand. i was sooo tired.
then suddenly i feel so breathless then i drank water. the next minute, i threw up.
my vomit was filled with flam, some fruit juice+the cookie. i was more energetic after that.
then ZiYi volunteered to mop the disgusting thing for me T-T i'm so touched!! you see what ZiYi has done for me!! and michelle and yuvin just say: "eee so disusting" and then cover their mouth and runaway.
how heartless! next time when they vomit NOBODY will help them! lolz. ZiYi even called up to ask if i was okay (: i love ZiYi!
then i told my mum about this, then she was prepared to give ZiYi a pencil box, a wallet and a sling bag -.-
well that's what pays for a good friend, am i right? :D
and no worries, hong yie :D i've explained everything to yuvin about us, so no more pestering =x hahas
haizz i'm so scared i'll be dropped to N level cos i keep failing my exams ): haizz... i did so badly.. T-T really.. i can't imagine me being a N level person T-T God help me ))))):
just came back from guzheng and i'm so tired (: phew~! g2g help hong yie create a guy account! ^.- BRB! and remember to tag.
even if you don't i'll still have your particulars saved in here so i know who came to visit (:
Sunday, May 20, 2007 Y 1:34 AM
yea!! just came back from tuition ^^ phew~ luckily it's over.. cos i rushed my compo last minute and it was horrigible X.x lucky she appreciated it and said that it was far too long :P it was ubeer SHORT okay!! :D
Teach joyce said i looked good in this purple off-shoulder, and so do yuvin.. but i don't think so.. too plain le lo.. ):
yesterday was almost the worst day of my life!! T-T
Jetaime, yuvin and simin surprise came to my house when i was talking to hong yie hahaah i was so shocked! and i was wearing rags at home.. ): GOSH they found out my dressing sense..
haha just joking, but since i'm at home, there's no fashion to be seen. am i right? am i right? tell me i am right (: i wore this over-sized blue tee with the world's biggest hole at the back
with this sunflower and a word 'Have A Nice Day' printed in the front hahaa. now, doesn't it sound like i'm a zoo keeper? >.<><><><><><> the worse wife you'll ever have cos she doesn't even know how to cook maggi mee -.-
today there was so many strangers calling me at one time. i KNEW they were all in cahoots.
stranger 1: hey, you are krystal right?
me: yes, who are you?
stranger 1: umm im jieyee.. may i know more about you?
me: who the hell is jieyee? how u know my name? how u know my number?
stranger 1: ur boyfriend told me. he told me to flirt with you so that you can get off his shirt.
me: you mean hong yie? huh? get off his shirt?
stranger 1: ya.
(stranger 2 calls up and talks in a girly voice)
stranger 2: hello~ i am hong yie and i wanna break up with you.
me: oh. okay.
stranger 2: really? you fine with it?
me: ya (cos i knew he wasn't hong yie)
(mumbling in the back)
stranger 2: so can jie yee stead with you?
(stranger 1 behind him whispering)
stranger 2: sorry sorry so.. what do you think of jieyee?
me: goodbye (hangs up)
stranger 3: hello is Ahmad Bin Adin there? (dunno how to spell :P)
me: huh? who the hell is that?
stranger 3: you got study history anot? that person....
me: hmm.. sorry he's passed away 40,000 years ago.
stranger 3: oh. okay.
( puts down the phone)
stranger 4: hello is Changjin there?
me: ehh.. who is that ha? hehe
stranger 4: the person who called you just now.
( i hanged up)
and i'm still waiting for a =nother ridiculous call.
Friday, May 18, 2007 Y 9:46 AM
i just recieved this website from someone hahaahha and click
HERE to see what i saw... ubeeeer cute and funny! :DDDDD turn up your volume, people! hahas
Y 8:50 AM
haizz my 4th finger now still got blister lehxz.. ): all thanks to traffic jam for being late to school! ><
all because of traffic jam i got late to school and got detention.. don't you understand Singapore? don't you understand singapore's traffic condition? >
just recieved ziyi's longevity sms: sians, my mum wan me2go sentosa for e buffet tml as family day. so tml can't go. i knw i very dui bu qi ur, coz ur working, i enjoyin, but i will try 2 mak it up on sun?
that's the reason why all parents like ziyi sooo much! >.< so much perserverance.. really! and she HAS to finish everything regardless important or not.. even corrections! -.-
today kinda like fun but boring day..
after school yuvin & i went to ang mo kio hub to in-search-of-ziyi's present :D
ziyi said she wants things that she NEED. not things that we don't need. you see how reduce.recycle.reuse. she is? xD
so she was kinda expecting pencil box, bag, wallet all these lar.. me and yuvin kinda have the same fashion tastes and sense that ziyi likes those brown coloures things.. hahas
we spent a long time at this shop picking out those fashion clothes and making fun of each other.. hahas :D there were loads of nice clothes!! xDDD i wanna them all! *steal steal*
looking at all these ah-ma clothes i suddenly thought of Mdm Jiang's clothes :P whoops! hopes she doesn't find out my blog :P
ahh ya in hte end i bought her a **** and yuvin bought a **** :P naughty ziyi! don't copy my method and try to count the censors up there! cos it's not gonna work! ^^ haha the next birthday would be ZiYi 4th June~~~~~ wish her a happy birthday okayyyy!
oh ya forgot to mention about the most important part of the day -- litreture lessons&phototaking
litureture in the morning was ubeerr funn! :D cos our group won first for fasting team to complete! :P yea and we got second for the points part.. yea!!! ^^
it was totally embarrassing and humourous cos we gotta do things that are so embarrassing!!
i actually had to pretend i had a flute and blow some indian tune so that we (ziyi, wanfei, cindy, simin, yuvin&me) could let the person know that we're in LITTLE INDIA. -.-
ziyi was doing the car noises right? think so... then simin was doing those stupid indian languages, rubbish, of course, then yuvin was doing the road noises also and i had to blow the stupid indian flute!! >.<
then for the next part we had to sing song that had to dance and rap and then do some exaggeratting actions like kneel on the floor and YEEA! -.-
it was a song about recycle --
then do alot of activities lar aha very embarrassing de ><
haizz not much to say, just angry that the 1E1s took out 1E2's posters about promoting our stuff during CIP day.. and it was missing..
we can't find the beautiful poster anywhere.. i mean it's really too much lor! even if u wanna take out our posters at least leave ONE poster of ours right? so selfish lors..
i means that.. hey come on, we not only pasted our posters on theplastic folder on the wall but we pasted on the wall also mahh.. can't you paste it on the wall instead? not like you HAVE to get rid of every class..
and if you don't have the right attitude to support our stall right at the begining then i think your class is arrogant and selfish.. 1E4 made so many orders and so we also support their stalls..
not like some unfriendly fellow poeple.. and by the way your posters lack of decorations and sincerity, it's all written without effort, black&white on foolscap paper -.-
at least share some space with us right? we placed our posters there FIRST.
yea and i just boughth this anime comic which is totally X-rated!!! i didn't know it was X-rated! X.x
i wanted to continue with my doraemon manga but i thought it was very stupid, so i tried buying MY-HIME. you know the last page is what? the last page was this girl ripping off her underwear and forcing a guy dogin 'that thing' she was like totally sitting on him while he lies down X.x
i will NVER buy MY-HIME again! X.x start on a new manga? midori days? sounds cute leh.. haha ^^
well gotta sleep early cos tmr going yuvin's house for guzheng tuition ): haizz..
GOOBAI! (goodbye) ^^ ta-ta
Thursday, May 17, 2007 Y 2:48 AM
argh! just came back from that darn detention >< i had to copy 4 pages of that darn passage about 'PUNISHMENT'
write until my hands all blister lers.. T-T so pain ):
then i got no foolscape paper.. so i went to the cousellors tfor foolscap paper then they say MUST BRING YOUR OWN FOOLSCAP PAPER.
i mean, what kinda lame excuse is it? can't you just say that you forgot to bring foolscap paper to lend me? T-T
then somemore ask me to borrow from other people.. >< so bad lorhss.! never even help me borrow lor what kinda counsellor is that man!
i asked everyoby for foolscape paper but they all don have i didn't dare to ask that gangster cos whatever you say regardless nice or not he will shout at you.
then suddenly he shout :' WHY NEVER ASK ME?!'
then i got a shock then i said sorry sorry but he keep shoouting at me.. inthe end ask for my name -.-
then i met zijian, johnathan, nicholas, amos they all..
they all don have but ONE PERSON.. MY SAVIOR..
he was the savior that saved my life! :D he lead me all the way to the canteen to get me 2 foolscap papers and ask me no need to return ^^ thankkkiiiews nicholas!:D not like amos.. aks me to go canteen myself go find.. poooi! =x
i can't believe desmond actually got suspension!! =x
and gym guy too .. for those who do not know who gym guy is.. he's the guy whose always flirting with yuvin.. or rather... yuvin flirting with him?? O.o jkjk :P
the guys infront were darn gross.. X.x they were talking about cock about Mr. Tana's cock pressing the button conveniently instead of bending down.. X.x bleahs..
then they ask each other the question about sex.. whether they 'DONE IT BEFORE' X.x it was uberr gross!! >.< come on! i'm not he only girl~!
the girls were so grossed out ><
don't say i'm dirty ): cos i was just eavesdroppin abit cos i was just bored :P
the word dirty rmeinds me of what Mdm jiang showed us the chinese video thing.. it was ubeerr gross also!! >< it was about this very pretty girl putting her hands RIGHT THERE on her ahem* chest.. and walked around..
then alot of guys look at her.. drool.
then a very ugly girl put her hands on ahem* her chest, and the guys all puked.. X.x
and yesterday while waiting outside the auditorium michelle mentioned about her going online and meeting online strangers as old as 30!!!!
she was so familar with those pervertic guys out there that she told us what they said.
30 year old guy: do you know such thing as.. cyber-sex?
mihelle: yea.
then michelle actually online-sexed with this guy?!?!!? by talking, of course..
OH-GOD michelle's a pervert and a sick-o! and her sister also cyber-sex even more than her!?!? O.o omg omgomgogm. i don't even have this special finding-online-partner thing! X.x
yea then they brough out their bottles of deodarant to spray as air-freshener ..-.-
watever deodarant spells. hahas O.o
then they started spraying each other's cock X.X that was uber X-rated okaayyyy! all the girls were like 'EEEEE'
just got back my results yesterday.. ): i did uber badly.. i failed more sbjects than yuvin.. i failed 3 T-T
if you ask me whether im sad or not.. im not sad, just dissappointed ): i worked so hard and yet i get this kinda marks T-T uber dissappointed..
scored 38.5/100 --> history
scored 88/180 --> chinese
scored 47/100 --> maths
scored 35/50 --> english
scored 57/100 --> liturature
scored 51/100 --> science
see how bad i've done!! ><
but i always remind myself not to cry over spilt milk, we just gotta work for another glass of milk .. (: and remember?
I'm The Queen Of Smiles (:
and a happy birfday to yuvin yesterday!!! kisses muack muack luv yoos! ;D
hahas everyone should know what i gave her right.. it was uber niceee! ;D
ziyi gave her such a niceeee bag that i almost wanted to steal it! =x
michelle gave her a shining necklace that was so suitable for her! :P
simin gave her tarrot cards for her to test her fortune! ;D
jane gave her a necklace
kaiying gave her a uber cuteee winnie pooh cup! ^^
and her da jie yingjie bought her a uber niceeeeee necklace! :D
and i gave her a white mature-jacket that went with the black sphagetti stripe that went with the gold pants i bought for her ._.
i was supposed to get her the jeans skirt but i thought this uber matching suit is ubeeerr matching for her! :D
so i thougt of an idea that next time we go out together, she'll wear michelle's necklace+the jacket+sphagetti stripe+gold pants+ ziyi's ubeerr nicee brown bag+ playing simin's tarrot cards haha
it's a perfect match isn;t it? ;D
i think so.. ):
yesterday so paiseh luh.. ): the guys were changing in class and i had to wait outside the classroom so i could get in and put yuvin's present inside..
then the guys were purposely changing so slowly that that STOOOPID CHANGQI CAME!!! >.< he came and waved at me 'HI.. errr.. hi..'
haiz.. toodles for today~ i'm tired after all the writing i almost slept in the bus ZzZZz
and sorry for not updating for so long.. ): too obsessed with audition liaoz! :D
yea and for those who hasn't finished their exams.. JIA YOU JIA YOU! gampatte!! ^^
Queen Of Smiles support yoos alllllll.. the way! ^^
Monday, May 14, 2007 Y 8:07 PM
You Will Die at Age 76 |
 You're pretty average when it comes to how you live... And how you'll die as well. |
i got so shocked when i saw this >< hahas i'll be dying at such a young age! ):
haiz jsut deleted my sentences just now accidentally.. don't wanna repeat it ): so if you wanna know what i was trying to say.. visit
MICHELLE'S BLOG what she wrote was similar to what i'll be writing.. and i can't change my profiles or current status anymore cos there's something wrong with it ): sorry to those i haven't linked.. so please add you html when you tag just as my temporary link ;D
thanks! and sorry to those i've linked wronly also (: to yuvin:
no point crying voer spilt milk, you just gotta work for another glass of milk :)
Queen Of Smiles Ended Her Talks.
Saturday, May 12, 2007 Y 1:36 AM
here are the copyrighted photos :D copy one thousand times and you not be able to take it down. (: including the copy-cat yuvin :P

top left: tweetybird simin
top centre: yuvin
top right: ziyi
bottom left: me!
bottom centre: jane
bottom right: michelle

top left: michelle
top centre: jane
top right: ziyi
bottom left: me!
bottom centre: yuvin
bottom right: tweetybird simin

top left: michelle
top centre: yuvin
top left: tweetybird simin
top extreme right: jane
bottom left: ziyi
bottom right: me!

left: me
right: ziyi

top left: yuvin
top centre: ziyi
top right: michelle
bottom left: me!
bottom centre: tweetybird simin
bottom right: jane

top left: ziyi
top centre: michelle
top right: jane
bottom left: me!
bottom centre: yuvin
bottom right: tweetybird simin

top left: ziyi
top centre: jane
top right: michelle
bottom left: me!
bottom centre: yuvin
bottom right: tweetybird simin
Friday, May 11, 2007 Y 5:11 AM
Woohoo for the end of examinations for 1E2 today!! :DDDDDDD
lucikily today didn't go macdonalds again or we'll break the record of going there 4 times in a row! hahahas or declare bankrupt. ):
after that we went home to get changed (: before going to j8. Me&ZiYi met up first at toapayoh then we go together hahas ^^ thankkiiew ZiYi! (for waiting so long for me :P)
when i walked down the MRT stairs ZiYi spotted my skirt and knew it was me already. she said i always wear those cutie cutie clothes so she know that skirt belongs to me already. haha ;D
aye, but. it's not that i always pick those 'cutie cutie' clothes to wear okay.. maybe cos i just look cute in it :P hahahha xD
I told ZiYi to wear the balloon skirt that she wore the other day to my house. and i actually forgot that and still sacarst it ): sorry ZiYi dada!!! T-T
when me and ziyi got to the top level, we spotted michelle and jane IMMEDIATELY. hahaha they both were wearing the same colour.
hahas then we trailed them from behind, of course not making us known. :P till they went to commics connection then we BOO! and they WAAA! haha :D
jane actually wore a skirt, but i don't really notice it, cos i think she's too short to be bottom-kknown xD
again, michelle and jane said i wear until very pretty and cute X.x haha thankkiiew thnakkiiew :P
then yuvin caught up with us. she was wearing this white thing wrapped around her neck as if she's going to the north pole to join the iskimos(?) at first i thought she didn't have a neck haha =x
then again she said i wear until very cute and chio, but my slippers ruin the whole thing ): aiz i think so too.. but really, i don't have anymore shoe choices! i don't really shop for shoes.. more like clothes =x
then simin joined us. she was wearing spaghetti stripe (very very loose) with this fading cartoon on it and long jeans skirt. and high heals.
i think she looked cute in a very bony way, but she'll look better if she wore something not so homey =x
then again simin said i looked like a princess haha, eh sorry ):
we took lots & lots of neprints until i was going bankrupt ): but it was all uber-duper niceee! me and yuvin looked the most nicest in the neoprint so we were all bargaining to pay more for more neoprints hahaha :D
actually, everybody looked like they've changed a thousand faces! :D hooray to plastic surgeory for BHG!
they all spotted this shop call BHG. and we were all so shocked. you know why? cos BHG stands for Bnagin' Heads Gang! which means our gang. haha. BHG didn't have lots of nice accessories but at least there's a shop alright?!
after taking, yuvin keep bugging me to scan the neoprints in and then let her COPY AND PASTE into her blog.
and do you know the effor taken to SCAN compared to COPY AND PASTE? so i decided to scan the neoprints and make it copyrighted so she wouldn't > wu lao er huo<
there was so many ZHSS people there. i guess it was just lucky. cos when i was in OLGC, after exams all people will also chiong to j8. just like now, after ZHSS exams, all of us just CHIONG to j8 haha.
and if i hadn't recalled wrongly, i saw a few exd-olgcians. i think i could only recall anna and deborah haha. there was a few i dunno their name =c
we watched 200 pounds beauty! haha it was damn touching. i was crying alllll the way from the beginning to the back. followed by jane then yuvin then michelle haha. ZiYi is totally heartless!!! >.<
before even entering the cinema, me and ZiYi already had finished half of the popcorn already. so needless to say, we didn't have enough to finish up the show ):
i kept me crying noises to myself cos i know if i let it out there will be an earthquake =x hahahas. i just kept crying.. even when there was nothing to cry about.
but... jane beside me was crying so loudly and so scary i dare not acknowledge her as my friend haha =x i think she just wanted to be part of the 'crying gang' that's all (:
200 pounds beauty is about this girl who was very fat and she liked her music director. she was a fat ugly girl who sang behind the stage for this sexy but ugly girl who lipped sing but danced sexily.
and nobody knows she was actually the one who was singing.. how sad. then because of her director, she went for plastic surgeory and became uber beautiful!! :D
then finally she became a singer through the same director but the director didn't recgnize her and just make her known as jenny.
and then he realized she was actually the fat ugly kang hanna then she told her history to all her fans on stage. that was the touching part.. )':
it was uber nice and touching.. must watch hor!!! >.< hahas and you'll cry cry cry )':
after that took another group neoprint followed by a disastrous neoprint with ZiYi. i must make sure i will not take that stupid machine again!!! argh!! i almost knocked the whole thing down.
the time was going so fast and there wasn't enough time to decorate and dang dang dang dang~~ too bad too sad, one photo was PLAIN. BOOHOO!
then took MRT together with michelle, jane, simin and ZiYi but left them at Toapyoh when my mother fetched me from there. ZiYi bought a beautiful bag for yuvin at ***. i wished i had that bag T-T for her birthday present and jane bought yuvin a $21 necklace for her birthday present.
so sweet... )': hahas but i already bought her present lar! don't think i never buy hor! i even more sincere leh i buy much much earlier than all of them.! :D
then i'll be scanning my neoprints in a minute and posting it. hahas
sayonara for today! krystal.krystal.krystal.
You Aint Me Dream.Hope.Love.Treasure No more. (:
Thursday, May 10, 2007 Y 5:07 AM
today isn't my lucky day AT ALL!
although today's chinese was quite easy for Me The Failure, i finally got my retribution to that! :@
during the exams, our class boys very bad to our invigilators leh!
once our invigilators cough, then they will go "shhhhhhhh!"
so bad hor? hahaha once there's some noise like the dogs next door barking, the aeroplanes flying across they will go "SHHHHHHHHHH!"
after exam we went to macdonalds AGAIN. we have already been to macdonalds continuosly for 3 days! HAHAS. and we're going brankrupt T-T
at macdonalds... me&ziyi are sooo unlucky!! wait, no, not WE. it should be ME.
at first we see the macdonalds egg mcmuffin so nice and it costs $5.10! and you know what's the SET MEAL we got? one pathetic egg mcmuffin and an upsized milo.
and argh!!!! that costs us $5.10!! not cheap you know?!?!? just for this 2 stuff??
and ziyi and me were still planning to SHARE. ): so much for sharin! :@
and that's not all.. i dropped that valuable upsized milo!!!!! and it all went SPLAT onto the ground -.- so much dropped on the ground.
and till now i still blame ziyi!! i was holding one side of the tray and ziyi was holding the other and she suddenly let go, so the tray got inbalanced and it toppled all on the floor. )))))): BOOHOO!
and the peicai guys were still asking me to lick up the stuff on the ground! ):
"aye girl, u clean up the milo lick up" then they still keep laughing!!! >.< ahhh
and yuvin michelle simin jane were all complaining their shoes got stained. HEY! i'm the one at loss here for goodness sake! i wasted my money, i toppled that damn thing and my shoes ALSO got stained. argh!!!
then at the mcdonalds playround we were playing tarrot cards. something like sakura cards lar haha. and i always get the same cards. the card described me as lucky, loyal, trustworthy and all the good stuff (:
yayyyy!!! :D
then yuvin wanted to tie my hair. rather "play" with my hair. -.-ll
she keep inisting if i tied that bun on my head i will look much cuter. and after she tied that bun, she ask everybody whther nice anot. then they all give me face say "very chio!" -.-ll
that bun is so loose and so big. every step i take, the bun wobbles one time. :DD hahas.
hmm tommorrow got listening compre.. better go dig some ears! hahaha :D
and goodluck to everybody for the exams!! ;DD
Sunday, May 06, 2007 Y 3:00 AM
copied this from yuvin hahaha thought this was kinda fun, i look so awful bleah bleah X.x
Y 1:48 AM
heh sorry guys long time no post ): i wanted to! but haiz.. no time lehz.. whole day study.
and yuvin don't say "got meh? i thought you whole day play audition?" okay? cos i've already said i'm studying like crazy! excluding this blogging part :P heehee.
just studied history today i studied all the way from page 1 to page 134!! omg omg! hahas and my papa tested me, so i'm Krystal The Confident again! woooots!
i just freaking hated Friday!!!!!! argh!! our school had this CIP project that the school forced us to bring back this stupid humongous black box home
argh! doesn't the school know that some of us live so far away? doesn't the school know that some of us take public bus home? doesn't the school know that it's
SO EMBRASSING TO WALK HOME WITH THAT THING?and walking home with that thing wasn't the only bad thing. i stayed back for science SSP till 2pm and stayed on after that in class to do clothese peck painting till 6:10pm.
i was so exhausted i actually
TOOK THE WRONG BUS! i actually took 58 instead of 105 and took the
OPPOSITE bus top somemore!!! that was infuriating!! ahhhh!
i was so tired i even fell asleep in the bus till pasir ris -.- blur right me? ): and what's worst is that that stupid cheong ying kang he told us got spot check today then in the end he said
"JUST JOKING!"i am still very very angry with that. if i knew he was lying, i would have brought my handphone along and i can still call my parents to fetch me! that bastard! he's gonna pay my $1.80+two dollars of exhaustion! grrrrrrr
that black box seemed to look alot like many things at different angles.
1) i had to put the black box on my lap to avoid inconsideration to other people on the bus.
2) when i put it on the ground, it looks like suspiciously black box with a bomb inside.
3) it looks like retrenchment box when we carry it on our hands.
4) it looks like some black box which mother-criminals use to stuff their dead baby in when we drag it.
5) it looks like black garbage box that we stuff all our garbage in when we carry it on our backs.
in conclusion: it looks like we're kallang gunees -.-
i took 58 to pasir ris and then took 88 back all the way to toa payoh then took 73 back to serangoon -.- phew~ tired.
on my way to pasir ris i saw tampinese then i was thinking who lived in tampinese:
WENZHANG! then i started dreaming about meeting him halfway to Tampinese. hahas ):
you could be thinking: take taxi lar! or take mrt lor! haha of course i know, but do you know how much $ it costs to from pasir ris to serangoon? besides, i've got no money in my wallet except for a few pathetic coins.
when i boarded the bus 88, i saw this look-like-taiwanese couple. the girl was uber preeeeeety and the guy was uber ugleeeeeee! haha really! i mean it!
both of them have great dressing sense, but okay, it's a
PUBLIC BUS. please do not do mushy stuff like kissing each other and touching each other and taking pictures touching each other, cos it's
PUBLIC. and some people might have phoebia of that cos maybe they might have been tramoutized by that before. O.o
i took from pasir ris all the way to toa payoh was because i lost my way, but the couple took from pasir ris all the way to toa payoh as their 'dating unit'. it was for fun. -.-
i sat beside this couple and dare not look cos they look kinda fierce =x so i resort to look at their reflection on the window and saw:
1) them kissing each other passionately X.X bleah bleah~
2) touching each other's private parts. X.X X.X bleah bleah bleah bleah~
3) taking pictures of them kissing and touching X.X X.X X.X X.X bleah bleah bleah bleah bleah~
4) moaning so vigorously (ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) that's the most perverting and X rated stuff i've seen.
but well, this couple gave me some "entertainment" on my way to butt-rotting on the bus. hahas
my mother was so worried about me she called the police to report me missing. -.- don't be surprised, cos it wasn't the first time she called the police and it wasn't the first time i took the wrong bus. :D heheh
yuvin and ziyi called me straight after that (: thanks guys for caring for me! mwaks mwaks! <3
but they also complained that my mother kept calling them to ask where i was. -.- how embarassing that was! but she's my
CARING marmie after all :D <33
but i could tell my parents are crazy, they can happy happy and get worried at the same time.
worried bcos they called the police to report me missing,
and happy happy cos they ordered pizza (to commemorate the day i went missing?)
once i stepped into the house the 1st thing my sister said was :" where you go? we ordered pizza you know? hurry come eat before no more liao!" -.-
then i was like: hey, i reached home at 9:20pm and you guys not worried about me at all?
my mother was so caring about me that i journeyed all the way home from pasir ris with that suspicious-looking black box that she offered me 3 pieces of hawai pizza and garlic bread and made hot milo for me T-T thanks marmie! mwaks mwaks <333
yea and gotta blog about
UNCLE DESMOND as well! weee! hahas on monday we were laughing like siao because we were on tagged and we saw uncle desmond on tagged. he wanted to be my friend and i rejected him immediately, you know why? because...

yes this is uncle desmond hahas xDDDD
argh i hope uncle desmond doesn't know my blog otherwise he'll kill me or sue me ):
we were all matching uncle desmond with michelle because both of them have the 'same' hairstyle.
hahahahaha then michelle got so angry that she keep shouting that she doesn't like uncle desmond at all! oh really? haha XD
and friday was zijian's birthday as well (:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR CUTEST BOY BOY > ZIJIAN!<hahas (: we ate birthday cake and it was yum yum (:
alrigh toodles, gotta go study :P