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Saturday, April 28, 2007 Y 9:25 AM

argh! i shouldn't have eaten that stupid maggie mee ZiYi offered! now my hair's droping and dropping like crazy! i think i'm turning bald )):

say, if i turn bald, people won't critiscize about my bad hairstyle already right? hahaha :D but definitely i won't consider BALDING as my choice of hairstyle cos i dun wanna be the second michelle :P

today went to ZiYi's house to do project, i feel so guilty cos i only did ONE thing: write my reflections.

and i spent 5hrs there doing the reflection??? no lar haha 7/8 of the time i was playing audi or crapping around with ZiYi.

ZiYi's younger sister (mei mei) is soooo annoyying!! everytime we play audi half way she go pluck out the modem! then the whole thing disconnect and she laugh and laugh, argh!!!

can't do anything on internet properly X.x because of her modem-plucking-sister.
her other younger sister is much cuter! ^^ but she's abit lunatic ya'know~ ):

halfway watching her computer she gets so agitated she makes all kinds of noises and starts screaming and fidgeting all over her chair till she goes crazy. is it her computer?? O.o

Ziyi's elder sister hasn't come home, but i still have an sixth instinct that ZiYi's still the normal kid at home xD heh i hope her sisters dunno my blog :P

i happen to forget whatever that i've learnt for piano except for that stupid childish simple song i played during my last lesson ): ZiYi's so pro so pro! she play as if her hands are supernatural :D

ZiYi is pro in anything la.. especially in audition :D she play like she no need to look at the arrows. just press press ENTER! haha yuvin was struggling to play audition but unfortuantely, she can't even manage TWO buttons, how can she managed nine? haha

she propells herself so forward until her eyes are gonna touch the computer screen and she cant get her ups and downs keys right. so she have to keep looking: screen, keys, screen, keys.

so sorry to ZiYi for eating up her maggi mee ): today, ZiYi is 4 maggi mees poorer.. aww.. ):
sorry har!! see i so polite, unlike SOME people. eat maggi mee liao still complain so chilly still wan to eat porridge still eat crackers still eat cookies and ask for water!! hahaha u know who u are :D

after that went to the short pasamalam nearby. i spotted this BEAUTIFUL shades (big sunglasses) incase those who dunno whats shades. i only have $4 in my poor wallet. ): and the uncle priced it as $12. he bargained for a discount, but i insisted no matter how much he persuade me i still won't be able to afford the shades. really mahh!!

this may sound crazy to you but it's true: we walked all the way from beatty sec to toa payoh interchange. haha another journey record! :D

i saw so many nice clothes and nice earrings and nicklaces i almost wanted to grab it out of the store! but haiz.. i managed to control myself by persuading myself that i have lots of them at home. ):

they keep complaining my eyes are red. but hey, seriously i don't feel a thing in my eye! but i dunno why it has been red till now.. NOW. ): a few times i thought i've got posessed by a demon or somehing haha :D

and recently there's this private number keep calling me but its always miss call when i get to the phone ): i call her/him (no-number-person). so if you think you are the no-number-person please reveal yourself. and sorry for not picking your calls also cos i'm either sleeping or out. :D

alright and toodles thats all for today, thank you. :D

and remember to do this crap if you wanna do, this is the crap the four of us has been playing, and its uber accurate:

take out a small piece of paper, you'll need it. ;D

please be truthful to yourself (: and don't cheat cos it's really accurate. once you cheat, u may not ever know the truth anymore, really.

#1. on a blank sheet of paper, write numbers 1 to 11 on the left side.

#2. beside 1 & 2, write down any 2 numbers that you want. Do you have a favourite number?

#3. beside 3 & 7, write down two names of members of the opposite sex.

#4. beside 4, 5 & 6, write down anyone's name.. like friends of family... or whatever..

#5. beside 8, 9, 10 &11, write down four song titles.

#6. make a wish.

this is the outcome, check on your paper if you wish to :D

> the number of people you must tell about this game is found in... SPACE 2.

> the person in SPACE 3 is the perosn you love.

> the person you like but your relationship cannot work is found in SPACE 7.

> you care most about the person you put in SPACE 4.

> the person you name in SPACE 5 is the person who knows you very well.

> the person you name in SPACE 6 is you lucky star.

> the song in SPACE 8 is the song that matches with SPACE 3.

>SPACE 9 is the song for person in SPACE 7.

> SPACE 10 is the song that tells you most about your mind.

> and SPACE 11 is the song that tells you how you feel about life.

> SPACE 1 is your lucky number.

Friday, April 27, 2007 Y 8:59 AM

heya! seems like never blogged in ages ): study study study~ T-T

yesterday was uber gross! my dad killed 2 crockroaches in the afternoon IN MY ROOM and my maid killed 3 midnight IN MY ROOM also! X.x

so eew eew! my room is infested with crockroaches! ahhh! haha ): i was really running around the room okay.. x.x

today was quite alright&all well for me :D poor Samuel got scolded by Mdm Jiang ): sad sad..

he was caught copIED the chinese answer sheet directly onto his work ): and he had to copy the whole 10 lian xi's on from the answer sheet! poor poor! OR write 500 words to apologize to Mdm Jian ):

if it was me i'd write:
Hey, Mdm Jiang, YOU SUCK! i will not apologize anything to you unless u admit that u magligned me. or i will CALL your parents! mwaha xD

haha obviously not 500 words, but, hmm.

yea some peopl can't hear the music from my blog ): hey! u better do something so that u can hear it! cos it's nice! :P

i played audition with Eric and ZiYi. Eric was so erm.... eee. hahas! :D everytime i lose to him wan! no fair no fair! T-T and stop saying "nice game" okaayyyy!

i'm losing to practically everybody ): cos shhh... i'm using some else's account. so actually my basics are only level 1 x.x

hey not bad already hor! level 1 still can beat ZiYi and Eric in 1 game xD

today was IT lesson(: i acted as the BIG role. the person that gets pirated VCD's from malaysia and sells them to my classmates x.x hey, actually i don't really like piracted VCDs. ): they're bad in quality. colour, some pieces cut off, people walking around, extra noises et etc.

i was at the bus stop yesterday when i met liang ming with his other 1E1 de friend.

they saw a counsellor jay-walk. then they shouted " COUNSELLOR JAY-WALK!"

she kept silent, but they were noisy -.-

she was eating this chocolate softee bought from 7-11. and it looked exactly like SHIT. =x

then liang ming said: counsellor, why u eating your shit so slowly?

every sentence there's a word SHIT in it.

eric was being so harsh on michelle. he is really obsessed with her. he follows her around, tries to find her everywhere, sending books to our classroom, purposely passingby, and even his msn nick is :
love is so complicated. there's one girl that stole my heart away.. thinking of her smile can really ease me off my pain... i really love and im willing to do anything for u... i hope that u will accept me.. ASAP to ease the pain of thinking of u..

eeeeee. writing makes me get goose pimples also. X.X urgh but really, its great pleasure to play badminton with him hahahahahahaha!

SiMin goes: hey Krystal looking pretty today? help us buy some pirated VCDs from malaysia during your vacation! budget below $10!

me: orh okay no problem! :D

it was fun playing and playing, but i had to memorize so many stuff! =x

tommorrow we're going to ZiYi's house to do project AGAIN. or rather having chatting session again. hahahaha! (:

haizz not much to blog ya' know.. (:thnkas ZiYi for accompanying me till my mother comes! :D i really enjoy my slurpee! :D

oh ya and liang ming& nicholas were asking me: Krystal, today u got skitties?

and i was wondering: huh? skitties? u mean skittles? or what?

then i asked them: skitties?

nicholas: skittles lar, not skitties!

(i started laughing and laughing)
liang ming: ya lar skittles... (whisper) funny meh? why she keep laughing?

nicholas: ya lor. funny meh? okay lor laugh lor.. hahahaahahah
liang ming: hhahahahahaha

then i laughed even harder hahahahahahahahahahaha! then they asked me again, this time with the correct pronounciation.

then i told them that i bought one whole stack of them and i left it at 7-11, so i told them to go and get it. :P (heh sorry im too lame)

then they started talking about stealing and stuff like crimes -.-

dad bugging me already: are you going to bathe at 12:30am again? you're sleeping later and later already! huh? hurry finish up and go bathe! >x365 times cos he says that everyday (:<

alright gottago! update again tommorrow! :D

nice game.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007 Y 1:18 AM

Saturday was badminton day for us, yuvin, michelle, SiMin,ZiYi and Eric. haha all of us could be counted as pros already since we did so many rounds of badminton. especially me and ZiYi mwahahaha :D

first, my father brough us to teck ghee community club supposingly for badminton but they said it was FULLY booked! argh! then they forced us to go to serangoon south community club -.-ll

never heard of it before? nah, i understand haha cos i've never heard of it before either xD

luckily, we have our PRO toa payoh master ------ZIYI!------ my dar dar (: who lives in toa payoh and knows every little part of it :D

so we just blindly follow her to whatever bus she takes us to ahah :D den yuvin and michelle keep looking at shuaii ge -.-ll

they point here point there i know they looking at shuaii ge already lorr -.- somemore ask me whether that guy shuaii or not, and obviously i said NO!!

we played badminton until i was totally wet! argh!!! and just nice it was raining outside, so if i walk out, people will think i just got drenched by the rain -.-

no need to say yuvin and michelle were slcking -.- they keep sitting around. they sit more than they play! and eat&eat&drink&drink&toilet&toilet also!

all along it was eric playing with us, 5 girls and himself haha so poorthing right. then we mastered ourselves until YUVIN thought she was so pro mwahaha. but i'm better! :P

then went home after that, it was fun time playing badminton! :D

Yesterday Monday, Mr Imran told us the dangers of BLOGGING, YOUTUBE, INTERNET RELAY CHAT, FRIENDSTER, MSN. yea its not that we don't know, its just that we don't care haha

he told us that he met this girl from internet and they met up at tampinese mall. but aww so sad the girl is married now and he's married now too. NAUGHTY MR IMRAN go meet up with online girl! XD

well its not that i've never met nobody online, i think i've met about 10+ guys over internet :P but nah.. we're friends! and we'll be friends! am i right? haha

hahah and he asked us whether we have blog, msn, youtube irc blahblah and i happen to be one of those who raised up my hands for everything.

the funniest part is when mr imran asked who have internet relay chat, Cindy didn't raise up.
and he asked who have friendster, Cindy didn't raise up.
when he asked who have blog, Cindy didn't raise up.
when he DIDN'T ask who have msn, Cindy raised up. HAHAHA.
when he DIDN'T ask who have youtube, she was the first the raise up.

me and yuvin were thinking the same: i think she wants to let everybody know that she's IN.

then mr imran said that when we want to meet someone over the internet, we should meet up in crowded places haha then he asked: meet where?

then kelvin said: IN MY ROOM!
then mr imran asked: do what?
then kelvin said: do HOME-WORK! haha

pervertic kelvin!

monday midnight was all fine fr me actually. (: but when it was 2am..

i started fidgeting all around and i felt hot all over.. i was having heavy high temperature fever. ):

i went crazy >i started jumping around and screaming like i was REALLY crazy.
i felt like a demon had posessed my body or something cos i felt REALLY uncomfortable and feverish.

it was really uncomfortable, but i didn't know why i still did it. then i started crying.
my went to the living room to tell my mum frst thing, i was crying and jumping.. T-T

the blanket was covering my body so tight i still felt i was uber cold. but my head felt like swollen heavy brains. i shivered like crazy and my mouth cant stop vibrating. my mum got so worried she stayed by my bed till i fell asleep. my head still feel heavy now. ):

till my mum offered my some sour plums.

look: i feel like vomitting, my stomach pain, fever, eat sour plums.
are you thinking what i'm thinking?
haha yea im pregnant.

playing the piano make me feel better though (: sorry to make my fellow peeps worried! haha sorry for making my dar dar worried! i'm fine! :D

everybody! add our form teacher mr imran in msn or friendster! dirrtyboy82@hotmail.com!
the dirtiest man ever! haha

Friday, April 20, 2007 Y 4:21 AM

yayy its finally friday ((: i'm so confident with myself for sciece now :D

i've been studying science for the past 6 hours till i'm TOTALLY familiar with everything on each page.

just came back from yuvins house after sleeping for a looong 2hours and 30min of badmintoning >.<

yuvin finally learnt how to HIT, but dunno how to AIM and dunno how to SMASH and dunno how to SURF. so you'll find it irritating playing badmminton with her. =x

it was windy, so whenever both of us cant hit, we give the "got wind" excuse xD. she wanted me to see how shuaii her sec 2 neighbour is, and it was horrigible!

he had curly hair, big eyes and plump body haha but he's shy, although i didn't talk to him.

yuvin said i was SNORING os loudly when her cousin came over to collect some things they were laughing and laughing non-stop. argh! can't stop my snoring alright!

i accidentally deleted ALL my images in my handphone and im so uber angry bout it! there are over 50 pictures!!!!!!! argh!!!

today was science test, i know i can almost get my questions all correct, so even if people's answers are wrong, i know I M correct! cos i've studied OKAAAYYYYY.

jiang lao shi especially emphasized me as scoring the lowest for chinese ): i cried and cried and wouldn't concentrate any better T-T u all wanna know what i scored? pathetic 27.

and i did study. so what if she did call my parents? so what if she did take down their phone numbers? it would be totally USELESS cos i've STUDIED so hard my parents KNOW IT. they even tested me.

its just that whenever its test time, i get blacked out and still, nobody noticed that. thats the reason why i always score so low. im not lazy, im just sickly.

michelle and the bangin head gang had cold war for the past few days but we made up today. our cold war wasn't laughing matter anymore. our cold war meant NEVER to talk, NEVER to see each other and NEVER to mix around with them.

it wasn't THAT terrible without her cos i still laughed the way i laughed, smile the way i smile and hug the way i hug. (:

the only thing is that, there was always a feeling that we were missing someone in our gang, so it was kinda creepy feeling like the person suddenly dissapeared.

we ate macdonalds yesterday after the composition exams and we were all crapping about. there were pearlyn, rebecca, kaiying, xin yee, michelle, eric, jane, yuvin. ziyi, me and sharon there so obviously there wasnt enough spacce for all of us to sit.

so we resort to splitting up. michelle and jane ended up flirting with eric in the playground, kaiying, sharon, pearlyn and rebecca ended up DA BAOing their food home and me, yuvin, ziyi and simin ended up eating there.

yuvinw as SO lame. -.-ll she ordered a stupid happy meal and we shared. which was obivously wasn't enough for one??? the size of the milo was 1/4 of the upsized one and the nuggets were pathetically small. -.-ll

we started of snatching for the toy, the yellow beanie limited editioned bear bear cos it was SOOOO cute! the wrapper was covering the bear bear's tummy at that time.

then when i opened the wrapper and took out the bear bear, there was "SINGAPURE M" written on it. the M is the macdonalds the logo the M. and we started throwing the poor bear bear at each other " eeee! i dunwan liao, give you lar!" hahaha..

and in the end simin took the bear bear cos she knew how to cover th ugly words and it was CUTE to her :D well, it'll be cuter without the WORDS.

tomorrow, michelle, yuvin, ziyi and eric will be coming to my house to play badminton . they'll be swimming at my serangoon country club and playng badminton at teck ghee community centre, which i thought of after thinking of the times i played badminton ith faith and kristal and ben there. haha thanks faith for the dea! >.-

hoping for tommorrow~ >.- GUZHENG ROX! :DDDD

Monday, April 16, 2007 Y 8:06 AM

The Part of You That No One Sees

You are wise, insightful, and brilliant.

Your wit is sharp and occasionally hurtful...

Revealing your scorn for people with less intelligence.

Underneath it all, you feel burdened by the stupidity of humanity.

You know what's right in the world, but it's overshadowed by everything that's wrong.

People see you as arrogant. While this is partially true, you are also very sensitive.

What's the Part of You That No One Sees?

this is so sad, im arrogant ): am i? i think so too T-T but! i, krystal, the most luckiest girl on the planet, knows whats right, and whats wrong (:

sorry for those i've hurt :P including you! D:

Y 7:49 AM

sorry ZiYi for not letting you catchup for my INTERESTING posts haha :D

today not much, but wa also not quite surprised that mr imran called me up to tell me off ): i really DID study hard okay! u can ask my muumy or daddy!! i study the whole day!

but ey sorry, this posts was just a little snatch of a break ((: i post shorter so that my fans can SLOOOOOWLY catchup haa ((:

what did the tomato say to the potato? KETCHUP! hahahaha sorry im lame =X

Sunday, April 15, 2007 Y 7:19 AM

well today was B.U.S.Y. cos i had to go out with my parents for dinner, finish up my NEVER-ENDING homework, have bible-study, tuition with my daddy and snatch a little time for blogging and listening to 93.3 (:

these weren't interesting to you, huh? well i read this uber funny story *SOMEONE* gave it to me haha 100% you'll laugh till u fall over (:

maybe its too small, but click on it to enlarge it further :DDD

i just got hooked on Hot Chocolate. yes you didn't see it wrongly its not milo its Hot Chocolate.

i drink loads of cups a day cos im starting to freeze since the aircon moves in ): and its not just cold, its freezing! of course i can warm the aircon, but i choose not to ahah i like the feeling of coldness ((:

gotta bathe at most at 11pm to catch zhou gong jiang gui at 12:10am.. haha paiseh i didn't bathe till now cos was oh-so busy! ):

havent been going out today, cos going to school was like going out already haha :D

cos Yuvin always brags me to company her to the library and we'll end up using stupid computers and that'll lead to around 3 or 4pm.

we're all ready for the exams next month! X.x well, maybe.. thats the reason why maybe we've been cooping up ourselves till june holidays for time to buck up (:

june holidays haha we've already been planning what to do earlier, so we'll think bout it when the time comes.. come to think of it, how can michelle and eric have stead in the first place?

and even worse, only 2 days1 poor eric.. sad for you that michelle toyed with your feelings ):

but he really is.. urgh dunno how to say X.X now he's harrassing tweetybird like crazy and they went on a date to watch movie! of course, not a date, a FORCEFUL date (:

theres not much things distracting me u know, but i dun get the reason why my results are so poor ): i've been working so hard nowadays but its getting from bad to worse.. ): how how?

im gonna finish the 2nd book of judy blume soon yay! :D so long for my favourite books! ):

michelle had this online guy-friend that lives at my street! whoots! he's 18, catholic high junior college, catholic junior college, whatever u call it (:

i talked to him and met him a few times on the street while walking my way back home. i live at house 10 while he lives at house 68! whoots! say, i can visit him anytime anywhere right?

its just takes a few steps down the road and thats it! the catholic junior college guy with lots of acne and leg hair =x

it is coincidence! wasn't it? well it is! michelle online guy friend that she hasn't met actually met ME first! hahaha actually, if i get to go to school on my own, i'll get to see him everyday! or maybe get to talk to him! or DATE with him?

oh shits i'd gotta stop with the michelle-online-guy obssession haha (: his name is Ron. i was thinking too far, wasn't i? (: nay, i wasn't desperate, i was just bored (:

yesterday, jane, ZiYi, Yuvin, Michelle, Eric and I conferenced in one msn messenger.. we were talking bout Yuvin's fake boobs producing fake milk and feeding her fake cousin? it sounds like barbie dolls u know =x

cos she said somethin bout preparing the milk for her baby cousin haha :D then eric insisted on emphasizing on tweetybird. he said that day both of them went out, was a disaster. she was tooooo paiseh X.X

yeah i could imagine that too (: but if it was me, i wouldn't be paiseh at all. cos i know eric so much i could scold if even IF i stead with him. Yuvin asked him a question 'what do you tihnk is the appropriate age for YOU to have s_x?' and he said. ASAP. (find out what if means if you dunno =x)

we were like, omgomgomgomgomgomg. thats the reason why i dont like him that much X.X

even tho i looked retarded now and i look abit plump and abit crazy, tweetybird kept my possitive haha thanks tweetybird for your comment! she said i looked chio from side view and back view but frnt view.... erm, cute, eheh -.=

well i thought that wuld be an irony.. i thought i needed a handphone camera badly cos i seriously need to add some colours to my blog ): of course not that i dun have a camera handphone! but that i cant connect it to the comp!

thanks to ZiYi my dardar for loving me haha I LOVE YOU TOO! :D SHUQI, eh no, it's SHIQI! haha jus joking :P

guess the person:

its quite obvious right? haha i found this picture while browsing through :D

Friday, April 13, 2007 Y 5:07 AM

hey guys sorry the so-long never posts (:

yesterday, ran 2.4km.. piang.. i was very very tired! i started off running with Jane and Yuvin but only after a few steps, i lost them.

only ran 1/8 of the stupid punggol park and im almost breaking down already, but i knew i wasn't gonna faint, i was just gonna fail.

i see people running ahead of me, but i didn't had the chance to run ahead.. i was almost the last few..

it wasn't surpirising, was it? we ran in the rain for the WHOLE 2.4km with thunderstorms and heavy rains.. i couldn't see clearly, and for the next minute, i thought i've fainted..

we were all drenchedfrom top to toe, including our bags. i think i'd had been the last in our class ): everybody's shirt were transparent, so the guys were like censoring their eyes..

aha anyways we made it in rain! yay! but i was lonely running alone you know ): cos i did not meet any 1E2s on the way..

Yuvin kept asking ChengQi to give us the umbrella cos we're girls -.- and when we 3 shared an umbrella, Yuvin ran away. YUVIN YOU LAMO! then she kept on laughing at us say we very sweet couple -.- PUI!

i seriously needed an umbrella, but the umbrella was suffocating me, so i decided to run away(: leaving ChengQi holding the umbrella alone.. another rumour to spread, am i right, Yuvin princess?

Amos very funny haahhaa HE'S THE CUTEST GUY ON EARTH! but i don't like him haha, too immature X.x

when our home econs teacher asked how we know the rice has starch, he said :" erm put the iodine on it then it become blue colour" hahahahahahahahaha. :DDDDDDDD

well that was the truth, but everyone knows she wasn't expecting that answer, right?

then when teacher was asking us how to make a sentence with: allergic, ron said: " im allergic to studying! i cannot study! once i study i get rashes!" haha but he's not cute alright? no offence!

liang ming keeps pointing the middle finger at us !!!! and lately i realised they laugh whenever i pass by, i knew there was some secret going on between them. about me. but i didnt want to know the truth anyway, i know my weak points (:

i have been dropping hair lately, and i tihnk im turning botak! maybe cos i eat only 2 packets of mee goreng a day.. means everyday.

i love PE! we get to play badminton :DDD and that was my favererrett sport!! Today, we wanted to book the comp at the library again, but the bloody fatass said we should ahve our own account..

how the hell do we get our own account when we are not sec 2 yet?? we needed badly a senior to help us open the bloody comp.

Kelvin started going round the library looking for any senior and then ask for their comp pass :@! then we met a BIG FAT UGLY LAME BOY.

i was just trying out the different passwords when i heard:" lame shit la!" -.-ll whats wrong with trying out the passwords and they're wrong?? he keeps saying the word fuck and the word shit, dog shit, bull shit, fucker etc. etc.

and they called us, sec ones, BAI CHI. he said last year the sec 2s told him that sec ones are BAI CHIS, so now he told us sec ones that we are BAI CHIS, and next year we'll tell the sec ones that they're BAI CHIS and so on hahahha :D understnad? i doubt so.. hahaha

he was very very lame! he tried to open ALL the files in one shot by highlighting, right click and then open -.-ll when he tried that for the first time, and the whold comp broke down, it tried it on another one -.-ll

he keeps talking bad things at us and then kicking Yuvin.. !!!! and he is very white, has a mole on his right mouth and has deadly eyes and a fat tummy. and he stands so close to me like he wanted me to smell his stinky breath or somethin.

we chatted abit with kelvin about Kenneth and Claire's relationship.. they broke off bcos Claire wanted to concentrate on her studies.. i think its a very immature and lame thing to say.. -.-

cos i don't see her difference in her studies whther or not she has a stead, and Kenneth seldom go out with her also, and it was really SELDOM. maybe.. once? X.x

Kelvin insists that he doesn't like Claire. whoever believes him is a dumbass :P

today i 13th friday, april.. i hope your day went on well (: it's never good being pretty..

it always the ugly people who will be likely to have their Mr. Right.

cos a pretty girl, their boyfriends might only like their appearance and not their heart.
ugly girls, their boyfriends will like the way they look and like their heart as well..

do you have the heart and the looks? (:





Wednesday, April 11, 2007 Y 7:08 AM

HAHAHAHA! i've g0t my guzheng in my r0om already!! w00h00! whnever i get distracted, i'll play the guzheng haha so as n0t t0 waste time.. :D

or rather > whenever i play the guzheng, i'll get distracted, so as to waste time haha.. :D

i've been studying the whole day, its not bad lahh.. ((: it wont kill studyin right? i kinda kill time using study.. (:

i still, prefer reading (:

i haven't logged into maple for alm0st 2 m0nths already.. ): where got time?

u read kelvin's blog, damn funny aha :DD see, im still in the mood to laugh :D

i recieved my health report today.. i didn't break down after seeing it okay? (: i'll not announce my health information on my blog.. :D but you guys must not treat me as a handicapped okay?

i still can run, talk, walk, play and laugh with you ll okay? so don't worry i'd faint (: its just that i have "stomach" problems haha ^^ they're still arranging the operation for me X.x

tmr got NAFA 2.4km, i'll be participating lah! don't think i don wanna loose weight okay??

might have to wait till friday for my pictures okay? see how pale i am haha ((: i will post more of my friends lar, i know you all sian liao keep looking at the same ppl =x

Judy Blume rox! currently finished 2 books-----------------------------------------------------

im freeeeeezeeeeeng! ~`'~

Tuesday, April 10, 2007 Y 7:03 AM

sorry guys for not posting so long when you've all been waiting so long for my new post! (:
cos i really don't have the energy to type anymore ): i've been looking so pale i didn't want to put any pictures of me anymore.. ):

i can take as much as 40min writing a post. ):

i've been obsessed with a book 'Judy Blume' bcos i think thats the only entertainment i have energy to do with it.. (:

well, reading books aint that hard right?

since there's not much to do and my handphone's got problem, i shall study study study..

ever since my father taught me maths, i just like studying :D

my room changed so much i got my own bedroom.

my own comp.

my own aircon.

and i loveeeeeeee it! :D

and i've got myself a Guzheng tutor thanks to my chio bu Yuvin de advertisement! (:

thanks everyb0dy f0r their c0ncern f0r me, alright? :D but i'll be fine, not that im handicapped or anything right? don't worry i wouldnt puke or faint infront of you.

even so, you may just take your leave while leaving the dead body there, im postitive i'll go to heaven (:

this aircon' getting real c0ld, this is when my IJ jacket comes into handy!! it really helps prevent freezing (:

thanks for everybody's smses and calls, but i am really fine, alright! i wouldn't die! as what yuvin always says " aiya si bu liao de la!" :DDD

my room is coseee! :D i'm a 93.3 addictor, so when you listent to 93.3, don't be surprised to see some of my smses read out loud! :DD

(i want to dedicate this song, fei ni mo su, to my fellow friends :
my darleeeng ZiYi!
Yuvin de chio bu!
Michelle botak!
SiMin Tweety bird!
Jane (bao li nu wang =C)
Wei Xiong Kor Kor!
Mayee ru hua! =X
Wei Tung Nerd!
Baby Wan Wan =3
Hong Yie Bear Bear! (^.^)
Aqila abunehneh! (not aquila ar.. maple crazers(:)
Pearlyn talliie! she's taller than ALL the guys! *o*
Pei Jun Xiao Mei +cute cute+
&all my fellow six cherrytians! :DDDDDDD miss y0u guys!

Sunday, April 08, 2007 Y 2:10 AM

hey guys, this shall be a short post cos im dying soon..

doctor said they found something in my stomach.. i dunno what is it, don't ask me, alright?

they'll be giving me the report next week.. had injections everywhere..

u see me in school, i will be having plasters all over ((: (don't try to peel it off! :D)

can't go for PE till i recieve the report.. i'm feeling weak allover now.. don't have the energy to type much.. (don't complain why i can pontan PE ar!)

and people, don't get a mirror for me, i'll faint seeing it (: (warning!: don't faint seeing me too! :D)

don't sober too much for me alright! be happy, isn't what u all wanted me to be? :D if i'm smiling, i hope u guys smile along with me too :) (if u frown den very unfair to me right? :D)

just to say a very BIG thank you to my friends before i die hahas, choy choy! (i got a feeling i will die before i get the report)

goodbye! all.. i miss you all too! ^^

one last smile.. :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Friday, April 06, 2007 Y 8:45 AM

Well since you HAVE your own rule, i'll have mine too for MYSELF:


so whatever that you're not happy with MY life, you're never gonna change it.

Cos i'm happy with the way i am.

If you hate me, you're definitely not my friend cos i live my lives with F-R-I-E-N-D-S.

: i don't HATE people, i'm ANGRY with people.
if you dunnno whats the difference, go look up the dictionary (:

i'll be happy with my friends, so you aint gonna change a THING. :DDD

Well, i dun wanna have childish bickering with you, so live your little snobbish life, goodbye, girl.

Thursday, April 05, 2007 Y 6:55 AM

I'll dedicate this post to Hong Yie: Bear bear, i REALLY REALLY didn't lie to you..

u can ask kelvin if you want.. www.cutiekel.blogspot.com

that day when i went to kelvin's blog and tag: thanks fer your maplestory prepaid card, is bcos he was going to give me..

and on Monday he really gave it to me..

And 1 week later.... i left the prepaid card in my bag untouched, i was considering whether to use it or not, then finally..

i gave it back to him "Kelvin, i think i give you back the prepaid card already lar, i think i quitting maple already, i don't know yet hor.."

then the next day, Amos and Hui-en were snatching for the prepaid card to buy for cheaper price -.-

then kelvin sold Amos for $6 and Amos promised Hui-en that he'll give her 1k c@sh.

Please believe me.. u may check my character 1000000k times and there wouldn't be a single c@sh on me..

Y 4:03 AM

To anonymous whoever you are: since you dont like me, why bother to come to my blog instead of telling me straight?

you actually bothered to come here -.- when u hate me.

i can twit and whatever i like or act cool its my buisiness, i know it well myself.I think acting twit is fun.

cos i like the way acting twit, happy?

if i am ugly in your face or whatever, its YOUR standard. not mine.

fine, i have low standards, alright?

say so if you're pretty.

Well, if you think im ugly then its YOUR standard right? It doesnt go for EVERYONE.

And for goodness sake stop saying that people's ugly.

You think that you are the prettiest girl in the world? everybody HAS bad points.

DDon't tell me you're perfect alright, you aint THIN either. (yes, i know who you are, i've got tracks)

i write MY life in this, and nobody aint stopping me. If you don't like my life, then well YOU get a life for yurself.

cos this is the way i am. i think im average, not chio.

to make you happy, i'll just say to you, sucker; that: I AM FAT, I AM EXTREMELY FAT AND I WEIGH 10000KG.

this is how the way i feels. and if your comment is trying to scold me, just Don't Like Me, or just embarrassing me or wanting me to change, you're wrong.

Cos THAT comment is not gonna gain you anything (: Don't Talk, If You Don't Know.

and don't be a hypocrite, ANONYMOUS. you scared you'll get yourself in trouble? Say So.

Say, you like critiscizing people, do you? my friends are not ugly for GOD SAKE.

WE, are born with our own beauty. its alright if you say im ugly, but if you say Yuvin's ugly, i think you seriously need to go to IMH.

Say, you only mix around with PRETTY girls, eh? Well i tell you, i mix around with EVERYONE.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007 Y 4:25 AM

oo and check out kelvin's blog.. there's natural disaster there X.X

people are critisising Jeraldyn for nothing~ x.x She's a sweet girl, alright! (:
But of course, not sweeter than me! cos i've got diabetes xD hahas cya!

Y 4:07 AM

t0day im s0 happi~! :DDDDDD

finally someone. SOMEONE. will PERSONALLY ask me for my handphone number ((:

TODAY, i was queing up for chicken rice :D (im a goood girl, i don't cut queues =x)

then there was this quite cute cute de guy tried to cut infront of me (:

he was about, sec3/4/5/ cos he was wearing long pants :D haha he was those kinda boy boy de cute, but very short, just abit taller than me only =X

his friend was infront of me, den she told him:
"don't bully her hor!" (me lar)

den he said "I where got bully her!"


when his 2 girls friends were gone, he talked to me.. -.-ll

desmond(he): i never bully you hor *grin*

me: ya okays *smile*

desmond: *looks at my nametag* Krystal~ very nice name leh~

me: haha thank you thank you *smile*

desmond: you know whats my name anot?

me: donno.

desmond: want to know?

me:huh? errrrr.. nevermind lar..

desmond: aiyo don't friend you liao lar *shouts to friend that he made a new friend.*

me: *laugh*laugh*

desmond: You from which class?

me: 1E2.

desmond: 1E2??? 1E2??? waa pro man

me: thank you thank you.

desmond: can i have your handphone number?

me:*looks around* no pen leh..

desmond: wahlao, you like that wan.. don't friend you liao *searching for pen in his pocket*

and then i waddled off o^u^o

"Krystal!!!!" His friends shouted to me.

SHIT. i didn't turn round :P

Tuesday, April 03, 2007 Y 2:05 AM

T0day was NAFA test day, ): haizz.. i sc0red a l0usy br0nze!! argh!! it's s0 damn l0usy l0rr T-T especially my inclines pull-up ): i 0nly did a lousy 4 pullups! i merely passed! ): i have to have training cos next year it wouldn't be 3 ONLY to pass, but i think 5/6 T^T

the rest was quite okay okay larrs ): i think i can barely pass this round~~

michelle was abit out of her mind today. inclined pull up she heard as YINGKANG pull-up lols! so we started saying 'I HATE YINGKANG pullup!'hahas!

n0 pictures x( bcos cameras are not allowed ):

but thanks every0ne f0r that compliment! ^u^ thnks every0ne f0r cherring f0r me!

<3333 y0u all and <333333333 Hong Yie :D

Monday, April 02, 2007 Y 4:11 AM

left= Yuvin
right= Me!

Sunday, April 01, 2007 Y 10:46 PM

Now haha im the one that took loads of picture of myself alone (: yes, the cute cute one xD
Yuvin is the one in the middle. yes, the girl with the funny hairstyle cos dm cut her hair =X but she not bad lar, quite chio :D
Michelle is the one on your left. yes, the about-to-be-bald lady there ((: Her forehead's shining! aha yup she's in the 1st picture :D

Y 10:41 PM

Y 10:18 PM

took photos at IT lab of me! me me me! sorry its all me c0s i'm l0neely here~~ far fr0m Yuvin they all~ T-T


Welcome To krystals-lovess-ya.blogspot.com

Love Me? I will Love you back
Hate me? I will still Love you. :D
Everyone is to leave a little tag (:
everyone is to smile!
everyone is to grow fat :B
Best view using Internet Explorer.

One Thousand Smiles ♥

Photobucket Krystal Kwan Hui Yun (:
ex-OLGCian (:
Zhonghua Secondary (:
17th August 1994 (:
kwanycat@hotmail.com (:
TAGGed, Friendster, msn (:
Leo! (:
Guzheng (:


Photobucket Starting new mangas.. :D
presents presents! :D
Clothes! :D
Candyfloss&Lollipop. Chocolates!
My family papa mama jie jie
My doggie Name Opie!!
Seaweed! (as in those edible ones):D
Shop Shop Shoppin! :D
Tissue paper! :D
Air-con Air-con!:D
98.7fm! :D
Aud Audi Audition! :DD
Hello Kitty :D
wang wang milk drink :D
Guzheng! :D
The Mirror :D
Teddy Bear! :D
Cereal without milk :D
Agetashi Tofu! :D
Tic Tac Toe! :D
UNO-card game:D
Dresses :D
Wan Ton Mee:D

a song to go with my mood today. :]

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Leave a kissmark ♥.


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