Thursday, February 08, 2007 Y 12:31 AM

ZhonghuaV!! Friendss-

Flower!(: Alison.. Miss her--^

Our Zhonghua Motto Yuvin, Me, Michelle, ZiYi, And TweetyBird!

Alison&me! de neoprint XD miss her.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007 Y 6:07 AM
Today was umm.. much funner! hahas i woke up at about 6 cos i needa reach school by 6:20am to do something (:
As unusually, Mr Hass didn't come, so we had to have NO IT today!! boohoohoo! So u guys realised i didn't post anything early in the morning. (: And Mdm Jiang didn't come today either!! so we have NO chinese lessons!! yayyeee! But.. ><
I tell you guys, i flung badly for my FIRST chinese test which is included in the SA1 marks :'( I was like, one of the few whom flung the test and that was so DAMN embarassing!? okaay, those who were in my primary school should not believe this (: cos i used to get 90+ and one fo the top students in my class.. :'(
The MOST emabarrassing thing was that i was one of the few who flung the test and the only one who cried. I scored a pathetic 43/100. which almost targetted 40?!?!
Yea, that's how low i got (:
Alright, i cried and all. And people were crowding over me and Jane was like (tapping me tapping her taping me tapping her tapping me tapping her..) comparing our reactions to our FLUNG-ED test paper -.- irritated man. And some people even offered me tissue paper?!?!
Okaay, haha the only guy who BOTHERED to console me was Ron :D I thought i was a irritating guy at first, but maybe Claire was there, so.... ahem ahem!*
Haa Ron was extremely kind today, he even supported me and helped me covered that rubberband that INCOME(Ying Kang) was shooting at me :DD
Many thanks to uncle Ron!! Hip hip, hooray!!(x3)
I don't really blame the guys for not consoling me, cos im fierce and our class have 11 pathetic guys ONLY -.- so there's not much kind souls to choose from (:
So, chinese lesson was 1 period and IT lesson was 2 periods altogether, 1hr30min.
We were all talking total nonsense, i forgot what we were talking about, but i remember i was going crazy and called Kelvin "Darling" accidentally. :x OMFG. And i asked for a diamond ring from him too
plan: get the diamond ring and den file for a divorce.. After divorce, pawn the ring ddd:
The guys were totally out of their mind, they were doing pushups in class, and shooting rubberbands at us (and during lesson) when Mr. OKALRIGHT was around. We girls were like screaming like hell in class cos the guys were aiming at the girls. -.-
I was like having a fever?? And my mind was like bursting i dunno why, it feels heavy cos we were laughing and laughing and we play 'The Pushing Game' -.- Alright, this lame game was made by Michelle -.- We just push each other around, anytime anywhere, anyhow. =.-!! like WTH?! but it was real fun, you guys should try it.
We push each other until we fall infront of the corridor of 1E4 and we couldn't stand up cos we were like laughing till we cannot breathe?!?!
okaay assembly, it was BORING DAO! we have to stand there looking at their stupid 'WATER CONSERVATION' skit which we have to 'CHERISH' cos they only go to 50 schools a year.. =.-! it was so diiao
u can compare primary and secondary at THAT time, cos when they ask a question, only the secondary one boys would answer -.=! And when they ask the upper secondary.. YA QUE WU SHENG...............
we had to get punished cos of some naughty sec 3/4 students by sitting down and standing up repeatiously. -.=! and den stand straight, for 15minutes. My leg was breaking down. Until 2:30pm den they dismiss us.
And we were supposed to go for litreture remedial at 2:30pm! great! fantastic! And those who didn't bring our litreture book have to get it photocopied, i was one of them.
And there's obviously no time for photostacking?!?! Is she dumb or what? She seriously failed her maths, or her eyesight to READ at the damn bloody clock!
classroom--> 3rd level
DNT room--> 2nd level
library--> 3rd level
Canteen--> 1st level
Hall--> 2nd level
Look at the routes i've taken to get that damn thing photocopied..
from hall run to classroom
from classroom run to library
from library run to canteen
from canteen run to DNT room
from DNT room run to canteen
from canteen run to classroom
from classroom run to canteen
from canteen run to classroom
And look clearly, its RUN. R-U-N RUN.
I was sweating! cos we were late! And you know what? i think this is a TAF club programme or sumthin. -.=!
Alright litreture was okok cos teacher was quite hilarious.. But then Yuvin, ZiYi and Michelle are coming to my hse to practise the skit for tommorrow. -.=!! I'm overbeat.
When it came to my house, it was fun, cos me and ZiYi was playing maplestory while Yuvin was playing msn and Michelle was shouting at us to get into our postitions. HAHA. it was funny cos we got such a non-gangster gang leader -.=!! She keeps sneezing and keeps laughing and smiling at the innocent girl when she's supposed to be fierce -.=!!
I think i make a better gang leader ddd: you agree?? haha
we only practise for awhile cos Michelle's actions were so forceful to the poor Ziyi. She was like--no espressions nothing but such a softful scry voice. -.- totally not fierce??
And i'll be the teacher who budge in the middle of the drug-influencing company. I'll get slapped right left top and bottom. I mean, drug addicts should be running by the time i see them! they still got the time to slap me?!?! -.- its pain okaay?
Alright, then i'll have to tell the class the moral of the story. And of course next get my retribution!! dd:
Hiazz i wanna quit SJAB cos its so tiring and so boring. totally not my type? i mean, yea im considering GuZhang.. dddd:
Michelle had a online friend living in the same street as me!!!!! And my street is so damn narrow and short (to me). OMFG. so after the practise, we tried to look for her "ONLINE FRIEND" i think i might have met him a few times.
He's from Catholic JC. He's totally wad Michelle had described about him! OMFG. I'm able to meet Michelle's online friend everyday?!?! cos there's only 1-way to get out of the street and most of the secondary students leave at about the same time
so in the morning there'll be lots and lots of secondary students crowding the bus-stop.
Its still so freaky, he stays in the same street!! OMFG. i'll be seeing him everyday. Seriously, he's ugly. dd:
To Sharon: You're pretty too!! :DDD
Monday, February 05, 2007 Y 5:07 AM
There's something seriously wrong with my blog.. o.O some people cannot hear music, some people hear some other music in my blog i dunno why?!?! And some canot even enter my blog [Blank Page] -.- weird..
Anyways im here to blog about Mondeh!! A new beginning of a week! And i shall hate tommorrow (:
today there's not much special,except for teh health check-up that took us 2 periods (: Had to take off all our shoes+socks. haha and those who know me from primary school, you know what special ability my feet has :D
I made the nurse angry ): cos when my turn to go for eye check,
she said: Begin
Me: Huh?
Nurse: Begin
Me: Huh?
Nurse: Begin
Me: Huh?
Nurse: Begin! You never read the instructions izzit? Next please!
Me: Oh. (covers left eye)
Its not that i didn't read the instructions lar! is i took a long time to know what she's talking about. hehe. Anyways, she said my eye sight's purr-fect! :D
Glad to know i can keep my beautiful eyes despite of playing so much computer games ^^ haha i HATE tommorrow, ZHSSians should know T-T Everything went on smoothly bahs i guess.. not much to blog, but i think tommorrow there's more (: Srry didn't update photos! Cos scanning got prob!! )):
Saturday, February 03, 2007 Y 8:20 AM
New post! hi everybody! its not a school day, so theres not much to blog about. Today i went swimming, haizz cant wear m swimming costume cos the material too thin lers. maybe its because i wore this costume for about 3yrs? 2 yrs? and i still can fit into it (: hahas that doesnt mean that im slim, that means im poor!! boohoohoo! hhaha i feel so jealous looking at those couples qin qin wor wor de.
RAWR! anyways we had fun swimming. its obvious that i havent been excerising for the past few.. months?? cos just swimming 1 metre makes me tired and leg cramp also!! help help!! haha. And i didn't swim alone..
i swam with my sis, Yalin, Yijie and aunty (: Yijie keeps pouring water at us so in the swimming pool all we do is try to catch him and kick him and pour water on him. And when he cant see a thing, we go make his hair until darn messy. ddd:
My sis keeps clinging onto me like a panda. Hey, she IS a panda, u see the dark eye rings when in the night? okay enuff, before she kills me. dd: She keeps clinging onto me expecting me to "ride" her around the pool -.- i almost drowned because of that. YOU KNOW I CANT SWIM!!!!T.T
the 3 of us jus cling on to each other like a tutu train. haha. its fun, but kids, don't try that. The front person, Yalin, may drown. X.X
We ate lots of things! its very veyr expensive and simple T.T 4 pieces of sandwich+chips for $4.40. But the waitress darn long lar.. we barely have enough time to continue swimming!!
Someone really hurt my heart deeply, but i shall not say why, what, how, when cos WehZhang's reading my blog!! Actually i don't really expect a gift for valentines.. what i want is something creative, something unusual that couple do. other dan give each other gifts..
I need:
1) A warm hug
2) Convincing harmless words to me.
3) My first kiss! (:
4) Something to make my laugh :DDDD
If you really can't do that,:
1) Home-made cookies from your heart! I don't mind if it taste awful, at least i know u've put in effort! (:
2) Symbol between how u like me e.g keychain 1 boy 1 girl
3) A written love letter ^u^
4) Grant my wishes. (:
5) Sing a song to me!
As long as i know you've put in effort;; im that romantic!! xD
Valentines day is coming, i wonder what you'll give me T.T i think its jut a gift.. ):
Cos you don't read my bog ):
I know you don't really need someone by your side, or maybe im just an irritating person to you, but please don't give me coldness.. T.T
someone help me, im heartbrokened;;
And to my fellow friends! I love you all! hahas. i just need ur comforts!! ((:
Make your life happy and live your life to the fullest with no regrets, because there's not much time for u to enjoy, there are rules.. (:
And once, you've broken a rule, you break a heart, and thats how the game of life goes.. (:
Let all of you guys beat each other up! okaay, if im so umimportant to you all, continue fighting over me, and in the end, you know that those bruises are not worth it.
posting pictures on my next post if i have the time! ddd: scanning got prob.
gotta go! my father's scolding!
<3 Krystal.
Friday, February 02, 2007 Y 4:29 AM
haizz.. Just came back from SJAB. it was so frekin tired la -.- we have to run 3 rounds around the field which is equivilant to 3 stadiums!! Run up and down the school 2 TIMES!! pumping, sit ups and uncountable jumping jacks -.- it was really tiring man.
Buti think i'll never slim down, cos i keep drinking soft drinks after St.Johns. (: And we played Poison ball! i actually thought of changing my CCA to band cos there won't be any SPORT PRACTISE. But, today's st. johns was really fun and i made new friends from normal tech! im not looking down on them okaay =.=
Alright, im so pissed off with RON (yea, thats right, a three-letter-word) cos he keeps making fun of me saying that IM FAT!! eh Ron, u think u very slim meh you??
Today Kelvin, the guy i mentioned in my earlier post, sent me letters again as usual just as what he did everyday. And you know how he passes it? He shoots it with a rubber band to me -.-
and the letter read: so u accept or reject?
LIKE WTF?!?! and of course, i won't reply such nonsense, i have better guys to look at rather than his tall, rounded hair, small BEADY eyes and his disgustingly attitude. Okay, at the start of the year, his head was square-ed. Now, his head is round-ed. At least Samuel (The boyfriend of tweetybird) took the initiative to cut his hair to more STYLE. But i don't think Kelvin got the message =.=
Today was well, Ms Fu was extremely funny today. She talked about a guy who DOESN'T like technology. He gets extremely angry when he sits on the bus, with TVmobile on. And he'll say "Why are you watching that shit?" And he told the bus driver to turn off that "SHIT"
He totally scolded everyone watching TVmobile on the bus. i mean like WTH?! urgh. He leaves his handphone at home and he travels on BUS all the way to dunno wat far far place to buy newspapers, he doesn't watch news at home. I mean like, he doesn't have a car, a computer, a radio or watever. =.=
But, he's a genius (:
We were discussing our skit today as Ms See told us to do so. (: Its about influencing our friends to smoke. like WTH?!? So i had to be the teacher, gettin beaten up by my students: Michelle and Yuvin =.= Ziyi will be the innocent one who tucks in her shirt TOTALLY in, ties her whole lot of hair up and carries her extremely high bag.
We were laughing cos Yuvin was trying to bang her head on the wall. i mean like, a girl gang leader banging her head on the wall stupidly? WTH?! not exactly banging her head on the wall, i mean like, standing in front of the wall 3cm away and banging her hands on the wall. OMG, from that, i know that she is NOT a girl gang leader okay? they don't bang heads -.-
ya, and the second scene was to take drugs. We wanted Michelle to be the drug acddicter cos her face looks pale WAHAHAHAHAHA! her face is totally white and her lips too. -.- what would u be thinking now? GHOST!!!!
Alright thats all for today! updating pictures later!
<3 krystal someone help me, im heartbrokened;;