Monday, March 13, 2006 Y 7:23 AM

hehe~~ erm... plz dun tag rubbish on my tagboard>.< href="">

Todaex....i was at Elizabeth's hse d0ing s0me 'pr0ject',,,, but we were n0t even d0ing anything and jeannie were gambling away, Elizabeth and i were playing maple
-story,, while we were crazying fiteing over my damn smses tat marcus ent me LLLL
hahazz....but i dunt mind letting them see my smses, they already know EVERYTHING

~-~- No MaTtEr HoW uNfAiThFuL U aRe To Me, I wIlL sTiLl
love you...
Woooooo!!! lets cheer for me lvling up to lvl 35!!!!!!!Thank YOU everyone!!! MuaCkkss!!!